Chapter Fifty-Nine:

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The sun struggled to shine through the overcast sky as Jack calmly waited for his wife to join him outside the hotel entrance. He could hear the people in the distance and could just picture them scrambling along the street, rows of them. 

 The sound of gentle clicking heels approached from behind, stilling his thoughts, and he turned, immediately lighting up at the sight of his wife.

"God I love that on you," he told her softly as she moved to his side and took his arm; she was wearing her infamous pink suit and Jack was nowhere close to complaining.

"Thank-you, Jack," Jackie returned quietly, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Jack moved then and she followed him to the open-topped Lincoln convertible. Clint opened the door for them and she watched with amusement as Jack sat on the top of the seat backs and trunk instead of in the actual seat, just like in New York in 1960.

"Join me?" Jack grinned, indicating the place next to him.

She nodded with a matching smile and sat down next to him. The Secret Service exchanged worried glances but shook it off quickly; this was hardly anything new.

As the car began to pull away from the hotel to begin the motorcade, motorcycles firing up beside them, Jackie joked, "I'm not going to complain about this suit being warm today."

Jack chuckled, "It's definitely not as hot as Dallas."

"Yeah...just a couple degrees cooler," Jackie teased sarcastically.

Her husband shook his head and moved to place his hand over hers. She looked down at their hands in slight shock before back to her husband. He was looking straight ahead at the street they were turning on, ready to wave at the people. Her lips curled in a small smile and she moved to look to her side of the road as well.

Russell stood in the shadows of the warehouse building, waiting with the bubbling crowds for the President to turn down this last main drag. People were hanging out the windows ready to throw down confetti on the wild street as others excitedly awaited their chance to see the Kennedys and wave their signs.

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