Chapter Nineteen:

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Jack just finished signing his wife's release forms before he entered her room and spotted her in the small bathroom slipping on her white kid gloves before smoothing down the light beige skirt that had been brought in for her, her matching jacket still sitting on the bed.

"You almost ready to go, Kid?" Jack called to her as he put his hands in his suit pockets and walked over to the window, the T.V. nearby discussing the weather.

"Almost," Jackie replied as she left the bathroom to retrieve her jacket.

"Good, I want to get out of here before any more of those wack jobs show up," Jack frowned as he glared out the window at the press below.

"Why are you so tense?" Jackie asked him gently as she came up behind him and began massaging his back and shoulders, his body instantly relaxing under her touch.

Jack let out a sigh as he rested his forehead against the cool glass and just shut his eyes, willing himself to talk about the matter calmly without yelling about it, focusing on Jackie's hands as they worked out his stiff muscles.

Finally turning from the window, Jack grabbed her hands and indicated with his head for her to sit on the bed. With a raised eyebrow Jackie complied and watched as Jack pulled out a newspaper from inside his jacket and unfolded it before handing it to her.

He watched as her eyes scanned over the front page and saw how they seemed to turn black with anger and her once relaxed lips became a firm line as she bared her teeth behind them, reading: FIRST LADY PREGNANT; WHO'S THE FATHER?

Her first impulse was to chuck it across the room but the T.V.'s news report distracted her,

"On January 15, 1964, what started out to be a frightening experience turned into a surprising revelation for the President and First Lady. Mrs. John F. Kennedy was rushed to Sunrise Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky around 9:30 last night due to an allergic reaction to some of the dinner she had at the Grand Hotel with the Governor of Kentucky.

We spoke with the Governor and he said, "I apologize greatly to the President and First Lady and hope she makes a speedy recovery."

"Jackie," Jack began, but she held up her hand to silence him, her eyes glued to the screen.

"During her stay, Mrs. Kennedy was found to be almost 7 weeks pregnant, as we were told by President Kennedy, and that they wish to have some added privacy on this matter to lessen any stress on the First Lady and her child.

Overnight, a stunning question was brought up, as many of you have probably already seen in the papers, "Who's the Father?"

We would all like to think it is the President's child and that's what we should think, but, doing the math, around the time she became pregnant she was overseas on a trip to Egypt, in honor of some dignitaries there, with her transportation being aboard Aristotle Onassis's yacht, the Christina.

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