Chapter Twenty-Two:

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February 7th, 1964


Jack was sleeping soundly on his side when his peaceful slumber was suddenly shattered by a loud voice shouting excitedly, "Jack!"

His eyes snapped open and his body instantly went into fight or flight mode as he jerked onto his back and looked around in a bewildered state.

Jackie was sitting up in bed next to him, her eyes blazing with excitement as she grabbed his arm and exclaimed like a child on Christmas, "Guess what day it is!"

Jack yawned loudly before narrowing his eyes at his wife and rolling back onto his side groaning, "Friday and a day I get to sleep in. Go back to sleep."

"Oh no you don't, John Kennedy," Jackie smirked as she rolled him back over and giggled at his annoyed expression from being so rudely awakened. "Today is different!"

Jack rubbed out an eye as Jackie clung to his bicep, "And why is that?"

"We get to meet The Beatles today!" Jackie almost squealed as she gave his arm a rough shake, causing Jack to quickly regain his balance so he didn't topple out of bed.

"Oh yeah, at 5:00," Jack replied with a hint of a smile as he turned to his right and looked at his clock, continuing, "What time is it n- JACKIE IT'S 9:00 IN THE FLIPPIN' A.M!!"

"Really?" Jackie giggled as she leaned over him to take a look, her chaotic bed hair tickling his nose as she hovered over him.

"Go back to sleep," he ordered as he took her pillow and pushed her back to her side of the bed with it before snuggling back under their furry blanket.

Jackie flung the pillow off her face and threw it at Jack, hitting him in the head.

"Oof! Seriously?!" Jack grumbled as he tossed it to the floor and rolled onto his stomach, burying his head under his pillow and the blanket.

"Come on, Jack," Jackie whined as she shook his shoulder.

"No," Came his muffled reply.

Jackie raised her eyebrow and then ripped the blanket off him, throwing it at the foot of the bed.

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