Chapter 12

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September 13th, 2005, Forks High School

Alice, Oliver, Catherine and Jasper walked through the halls together, looking for Bella and Edward.

Once Alice spotted them, she jumped over the stair railing and happily skipped towards Bella.

"Happy birthday!" The pixie vampire said while hugging the mortal. Bella immediately shushed Alice before looking around to see if anyone saw. While also hugging Alice back.

Alice made a face and whispered. "Sorry." Before handing Bella her present. Bella sighed before taking the present. "I thought I said no presents." The mortal mumbled.

"And we decided to ignore that." Alice said before adding. "I've already seen you open it, and guess what? You love it!" She excitedly told Bella. The latter just chuckled.

That's when Catherine cut in the conversation. "My turn!" She happily exclaimed while hugging Bella. "Happy-" She started before cuttig herself off. "-regular day that totally isn't special or anything." She quickly finished before pulling away from the hug and smiling at Bella. Bella smiled back before mumbling out a small. "Thanks."

"And guess what? I also completely ignored your rule!" The curly-haired vampire said with a broad grin. Bella just jokingly scoffed before the present was handed to her.

"And guess what, again? Alice saw that you love this one too!" Catherine happily explained.

"You're gonna wear it tonight." Alice said. "Our place." Catherine added. "At 7." Alice finished. When they noticed her hesitation, Alice begged. "Come on, please?" And Catherine signaled for Jasper to use his powers. "It'll be fun." Catherine grinned.

She sensed Jasper using his powers and Bella visibly relaxed. "Okay, alright." She gave in. "Okay, great!" Alice happily exclaimed before turning around and walking to where Oliver and Jasper stood. "See you at 7, Bella." Oliver said with a wave.

Catherine followed her sister and Jasper immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They were about to leave when Bella stopped them. "Jasper! No fair with the mood control thing." She exclaimed, realising she had been manipulated into coming.

Catherine and Alice laughed as Jasper responded. "Sorry, Bella." Before politely adding. "Happy.... Never mind." And pulling Catherine with him to their lesson.

Catherine winked at Bella before kissing her husband as a thank you. "You're amazing." She whispered in his ear as they followed Alice and Oliver. Jasper just grinned and kissed her head.

Alice and Catherine skipped their last two periods so they could set up for the party.

Emmett had picked up their order of roses for them and placed them all in the livingroom.

Alice was ordering everyone around, telling them what to do, where to put things and giving them fashion tips whilst she was at it.

Catherine was setting candles in their right places while Jasper was filling glass bowls with water.

"Here, honey, Alice bought these." She told her husband while handing him the candles that Alice bought. They could float in the water.

He took them from her before looking at it. "Since when do candles float in water and why have I never seen it before?" He asked while opening the packaging and putting some of them in the water.

"They've been around for a while, you're just old." She said while wrapping her arms around his neck. He scoffed. "Please, you're 227 years older than me." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulls her a little closer to him. "You're just and old soul." She teased while looking up at him.

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