Chapter 3

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January 25th, 2005, Forks High School

Catherine was happy. Their group of seven was complete again. The guys had taken Emmett's Jeep and the girls were in Rosalie's BMW. Everything was how it had been before a week ago.

They all just hoped that there wouldn't be a certain mortal to mess it up for them. Except for Edward.

When Jasper and Catherine walked arm in arm towards lunch. They saw Bella and Edward talking against Bella's locker.

"Goddammit. That little-" Jasper started before his wife cut him off. "Calm down Jas. Let's just get to class and tell the others."

She gripped his hand and sped up. Walking as fast as they could without using their speed.

She pulled him into the cafeteria and they sat with their siblings. "Edward was talking to the Swan girl in the halls." Catherine told them as they sat down.

"What?!" Rosalie exclaimed. "I thought he was gonna keep a distance!" She sat back in her chair, fuming. Emmett gripped her hand to calm her down but quickly regretted it when she squeezed his hand tightly.

"Ow, ow, ow. We should just.. Jesus... talk to him after school. I'm sure he'll understand." Emmett said.

"If he really understood he would've already stoped talking to her!" Catherine and Rosalie exclaimed at the same time. They were both fuming.

"Catherine, calm down." Jasper tried to calm down his wife with a hand on her arm. "We don't wanna attract too much attention." He whispered.

The girls nodded and took a breath. Alice looked anxious while Oliver tried to comfort her.

"It'll be fine. I'm sure he'll come to his senses." Oliver said while he rubbed Alice's arm.

"Just act like we don't know anything when he gets here." Jasper finished for him. "We'll talk about this at home."

Edward didn't show up for lunch. When the group of five (no Oliver) walked to the cars. They saw Edward already there, leaning against the Jeep.

"What the hell Edward?!" Rosalie punched his arm. "Where were you at lunch?!" She yelled at him.

"Jesus Rose! I was sitting outside!" Edward yelled back while Emmett held Rosalie back. Jasper just glared at Edward as he walked past him and leaned against the other side of the Jeep. Catherine stood inbetween his legs.

"Don't lie! Jasper and Catherine saw you with Bella against the lockers!" Rosalie said, a bit softer since people started staring.

"What are you talking about?" Edward says as he stepped back from the angry Rosalie. "Let's just wait for Oliver and go home."

Catherine sighed and rubbed Jasper's waist softly. "You good?" She asked him softly.

"Yeah I'm fine." He mumbled before kissing her forehead. She took his hand and leaned against him. Jasper carried an umbrella for them since it was raining. From the corner of her eye she could see Edward making intense eye contact with Bella.

Suddenly they heard a loud screech. They all turned to the sound and saw a car coming towards Bella, swerving because of the ice.

In the blink of an eye Edward was at Bella's side. Catherine looked dissapointed as she watched her brother before she turned to look at her other siblings. Rosalie looked fuming, Emmett looked lost, Alice looked dissapointed and Oliver, who arrived just in time, looked almost scared at what would happen.

Lastly she turned to her husband. He looked angry and... confused?

They angrily closed their umbrella's and stepped in their cars. Rosalie had instructed them to all take Emmett's Jeep while she would take Catherine to the hospital to talk to Carlisle and Edward.

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now