Chapter 24

699 11 3

June 11th, 2006, Cullen residence

June 11th, 2006, Cullen residence_________________________________________

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Catherine's dress^^

The party was at full blast. Loud, upbeat music was playing, there were girls in dresses and guys in suits. The teenagers were all admiring the home that belonged to the Cullens. There was a dancefloor, it was filled with friends dancing, couples dancing, couples grinding. It was for sure a high school party. Just like Alice invisioned.

Alice and Oliver where running around, asking people if they were having a good time and taking pictures of basicallly everything. Edward was standing in a corner, his foot tapping to the beat of the music as he waited for his girlfriend to return with their drinks. He looked awkward to say the least.

This, however, wasn't Jasper's scene. He decided to stay away from the crowd, so he convinced his wife to get off the dancefloor. He pulled her over to sit on the couch together. There were only a few people there, so there was probably as much quiet as they could get. She was wearing a short, red dress with straps and embroided flowers. Jasper was wearing a black suit with a navy shirt underneath. He was wearing a brown cowboy hat, making Catherine stick to his side like glue the entire evening.

Rosalie was sitting on her lounge chair across from them. She was also not particularily a fan of parties like that. Her husband, however, was in the middle of the crowd, dancing the night away.

Catherine's arm was flung loosely over Jasper's shoulder as she sat sideways on her mate's lap. Jasper's hand was possesively on her ass. He felt a mix of jealousy and pride as he felt all the lustful feelings towards his wife. Pride because he knew he was the only one she loved. Jealousy because she was his wife, and those guys (and girls) should stop thinking of her that way.

Catherine was amused by her husband's possesiveness. Even after so many years of witnessing it, it never got new.

Whenever Jasper got jealous, the first thing he did was get very handsy with his wife. He would touch her every spot she would let him while sending death glares to everyone else. Next thing he did was kiss her every oppurtunity he got. Needy, rough kisses with lots of tongue that made everyone back away with a grimace. And lastly, he would move on with what he was doing. If he was sitting, Catherine would be pulled into his lap while his hands rested on her thighs, hips or ass. If he was standing, his arm would be around her shoulder and he would hold her close to him.

These were what Catherine liked to call: "Jasper's three phases of jealousy". The man had been like that since before they were married. Currently, Jasper was at phase three. His fingers digging in Catherine's skin, jaw clenched and sending people his signature "Jasper glare".

Catherine on the other hand, was talking to Rosalie without a care in the world. Rosalie had a small smirk on her face, noticing her twin brother in his state of jealousy as she chatted with his wife.

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