Chapter 2

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January 19th, 2005, Cullen residence.

It was two AM. Emmett had forced Catherine to play Mario Kart with him for a very long time. When he finally allowed her to go relax she immediately went to the room that she and Jasper shared.

"Hello my love." She said as she entered the room. Jasper looked up from his book, a small smile on his face as soon as he saw her. "Hello darlin'." He said, she could hear the southern drawl in his voice.

"I take it you won from Emmett. He's frustrated and you're confident." He put down his book as she sat next to him on the bed.

"He won twice. We played 20 games." She giggled.

"Good job, darlin'." He praised her with his signature smirk.

"Why thank you kind sir." She grinned. "You know, sometimes I really enjoy being a vampire." She says as she started changing in more comfortable clothes.

"Why's that?" Jasper asked while he watched her change.

"I can stay up all night long without getting tired. If I were human I would not be able to stay awake until 2 o'clock." She smiles and sits next to him on the bed. "You are able to experience a lot more." She says as she rests her head on his shoulder.

Jasper rests his head on hers and takes her hand. "I love you." He says as he kisses her head.

"I love you too." She smiles and kisses him softly. He kisses back, one of his hands on the back of her head, the other on her waist.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He moved so he is sitting against the headboard, Catherine on his lap.

His lips trailed down her jaw, to her neck. "My beautiful Cathy." He whispers as he bit her neck. This caused her to moan. Her hands shot up, tugging his hair as he groaned in her neck.

"You smell.... so good darlin'." He breathed out. He flipped them over so he's on top. His face still in her neck. "So good." He whispered as his cold hands move underneath her shirt.

The next morning, the couple is laying in front of each other. Their legs and arms intertwined, foreheads touching no clothes.

"Hey guys Esme says to- Oh disgusting!" Oliver walks in their room without knocking but quickly shields his eyes.

Because the house is filled with vampires, everyone hears Oliver. (Pretend the bedroom walls are soundproof.) And Emmett runs in using his vampire speed.

Catherine quickly pulled the blanket up to cover herself while Jasper put on boxers.

"Disgusting." Emmett says while loudly laughing.

"Get out!" Catherine yells at her brothers, both just laugh and walk off. Leaving the door open.

"God, I hate them sometimes." She growls as she gets out of bed. Jasper nods as she closes the door. His eyes glued to her now exposed body.

"What are you looking at?" She asks as she starts getting dressed. "My wife." He smirks and also gets out of bed to start getting ready.

She giggles as she slips on a dress. He just wears a sweater with a blouse underneath and slacks.

She started doing her makeup. Simple eyeliner, brown eyeshadow and brown lips.

"Don't you look nice? All dolled up." He grips her hips and pulls her a little closer to him. Her back against his chest. He kisses both her cheeks. She smiles but then breaks out of his embrace. She grabs her bag and then turns to him.

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now