Chapter 23

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June 11th, 2006, Forks (this chapter is really bad:((( )

Catherine and Jasper were on their way home after graduating. Jasper was driving their car whilst Catherine sat next to him in the passenger seat. His hand was on her thigh, rubbing and occasionally softly squeezing her pale skin.

"We'll have to hunt before the party. A lot of humans will come and I don't want you to live with the guilt if you lose control." Catherine placed her hand on her husband's. He turned his head to look at her and sent her a charming smile. "Yes, ma'am." He purred.

"Should I ask the others to come with us?" He asked while taking her hand that was rested on his. "No, that's alright, you don't have to." She had a mischievious smile on her face as she played with his fingers. He could sense her excitement radiating off her.

"You got somethin' on your mind Mrs. Whitlock?" He had an amused tone as he questioned his wife. Catherine turned to him and bit her red colored lip. She gave no response as she turned back to look out the window.

Jasper parked the car in the Cullen garage. He got out the car and walked around it to open the door for his wife. He placed a hand on the small of her back as he led her back inside the house. She let him take control as she tried to stifle her excited giggles.

As they entered the living room, Esme looked over her shoulder to her two adoptive children as she smiled. "Hey, you two took long." She placed down the magazine she was reading. Her legs were across from Carlisle's lap as the blonde vampire read a book. He had the book in one hand, he rubbed Esme's calf with the other.

"Cathy wanted to say hi to Bella and Mr. Swan. If you or Carlisle get a call about drinking tea, just answer with a yes." Jasper explained. "Are you sure the two of you didn't stop at the side of the road for a little kaboinking?" Emmett placed down his controller from when he was playing Mario Kart with Oliver.

Catherine laughed while Jasper just rolled his eyes. Catherine picked up a ceramic apple that Esme had placed on a coffee table and chugged it towards her brother. He easily caught it and placed it down on the ground next to his chair. "Screw you Catherine." Emmett said in a bored tone as he turned back to the game.

Catherine laughed and took Jasper's hand, tugging him towards the stairs. "Jas and I are going hunting before the party. We'll be back in an hour, maybe two." She told Esme as Jasper wrapped his arms around his Catherine from behind. "Okay, have fun, dears." Esme smiled and picked up her magazine again.

Catherine and Jasper stumbled up to their room. It proved to be hard since Jasper refused to let go of her. "You can wrap your arms around me when we don't have to walk up two flights of stairs." She complained as they almost stumbled into a side table in the hallway. "No." Was his only response as he peppered a few kisses on her cheek.

They entered their room and Jasper went to open their closet door. "Change into something that can get dirty." Jasper said as he pulled off his sweater. Catherine nodded and started undoing her husband's tie with a small smile. His gaze was filled with lust as he stared down at her.

She slid off his tie and threw it down on the ground. The smile on her face grew as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When the first few buttons were undone, she placed a soft kiss on his pale chest. She unbuttoned the rest of his shirt before sliding the fabric off his broad, muscled shoulders.

His gaze softened slightly as she smiled up at him. He sent her a dazzling smile back before his hand moved to her cheek. His thumb slowly traced her lips before pulling her bottom lip down. His eyes were locked on her lips as he let go, letting her lip snap back in place. He softly caressed her cheek with the back of his thumb before he slowly leaned in.

The corners of her lips turned up into a grin as she leaned in just enough. She suddenly let go of his arms and stepped backwards. She softly giggled at his confused expression. He frowned like a little kid whose favorite toy had been taken away.

"What are you up to, Cathy." He growled. She just giggled in response and threw a shirt and a vest at him. "Get dressed. You wanted to hunt." She smugly smiled at him as she opened her clothing drawer. "You're a goddamn tease." He mumbled as he threw on the shirt she had thrown at him.

Her only response was a soft giggle as she got out a warm, tight sweater. She took off her shirt and then opened another drawer to pick out pants. Jasper's eyes darkened as he watched his wife, in a bra and a short skirt, picking out clothes.

"Catherine, you have no idea what you do to me." He groaned as he quickly adjused his pants. She just giggled in response and put on the sweater. "That's not true, my sweet Jas. I know exactly what I do to you." She grinned and kissed his cheek before handing his a pair of sweatpants.

Jasper and Catherine walked hand in hand through the forest. They took their time, knowing they had a few hours before the party started.

Jasper led his wife towards a few tree stumps. He moved to stand infront of her as he gripped both her hands. "Sit down, darlin'. I'll go and get you something to drink." He insisted as he placed his hands on her shoulders. He softly pushed her down on the tree stump.

She smiled up at him and kissed the palm of his right hand. "Thank you, my love. Will you be gone for long?" She questioned. He shook his head and moved his left hand to her chin. "I'll hurry up for you." He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers for a few seconds before pecking her forehead.

"You just sit here and look pretty, sound good?" He slowly descended through the trees before running off at vampire speed, leaving her there.

She waited for a little over eight minutes. That was when she heard the familiar footsteps that belonged to her husband approach. She turned around to see him carrying two dead mountain lions, one over each shoulder. His mouth and chin were covered in their blood and the animals' necks were leaking with blood.

He had a proud expression on his face as he hauled the dead animals over to his wife. She smiled towards him and watched him as he threw their dinner on the ground. She stood up and examined the animals.

She breathed in the delicious scent of the mountain lions' blood. She tuned it out for just a little while as she approached her husband and pressed her lips against his. "Thank you for doing this, lovely." Her hands moved up to his chest while he dropped the animals and grabbed her waist.

"My pleasure, ma'am." He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. She kissed back before pulling away with a soft smile. "I'm hungry." She commented before kissing Jasper's cheek. She moved away from him and grabbed one of the mountain lions, the smallest since Jasper's appetite was bigger than hers.

Catherine sinked her teeth into the poor animal. She felt the blood running down her throat. She hummed in delight as she tasted the sweet metallic taste of the blood. Her eyed trailed over the ground before reaching her husband. He was feeding off the other animal, and looking incredibly attractive as he did.

When they both finished, Jasper threw a lighter at his wife to get rid of the evidence. It wouldn't be good if a Forks resident found two dead mountain lions, completely drained of blood.

Catherine threw the lighter on the animals, they immediately caught fire and slowly burned as the couple watched them. Catherine turned to her husband and grabbed his muscled biceps. His hands moved up to the sides of her neck as he stepped a little closer to her. "It was delicious, darling. Thank you." She sincerely said as she reached one of her hands up to touch his cheek.

"I'm glad." He kissed her cheek a few times before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to him. "We should get back. Alice will certainly kill us if we're late to her party." He commented as they started walking back to the house. She wrapped her arm around his torso and buried her head in his chest. She laughed and nodded in agreement.

"She most definetely would."

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now