Chapter 39

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August, 2006, Cullen Residence

The Cullens were all gathered in the living room. It had been two weeks since Bella found out she was pregnant. Two weeks since the household split into two. Two weeks since Catherine had a proper conversation with her husband, whom she missed terribly.

Jasper was seated next to Oliver, who was next to Alice, on the couch. Rosalie was tending to Bella, with Catherine close. Esme and Carlisle were on another couch together and Edward was standing in a corner, he looked as if he hadn't eaten in months.

"Jacob is outside," Catherine broke the uncomfortable silence that hung over the Cullens. They all perked up to hear a motorcycle being parked and then heavy, angry footsteps approaching their house.

"Charlie told him that you're "sick". He thinks you've been turned." Edward said as he read the wolf's mind.

"I'll get the door." Carlisle sighed and stood up, straightening his suit as he went. He walked out the doorway and towards the front of the house. Everyone else could hear the door opening.

"Is it true?" Jacob asked, barging inside without asking. "Isn't this against the treaty?" Catherine whispered to Rosalie, who shrugged in responce. "Hello, Jacob, how are you?" Carlisle sarcastically responded before closing the door behind Jacob.

They heard some pacing and then Jacob said. "Listen, Carlisle, just give it to me straight." He started before he was cut off. "Jake?" Bella called out from her uncomfortable seat on the couch. Catherine pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She still despised Jacob.

"She's here?!" Jacob angrily asked Carlisle. Carlisle kept his composure and responded calmly. "They came home two weeks ago." He explained. They heard some ruffling and then Jacob's booming footsteps approaching them, Carlisle's softer ones following.

"Jake," Carlisle tried to warn Jacob as he entered the living room.

He was met with the sight of seven vampires staring at him, Bella was hidden behind Rosalie, who pointedly glared at Jacob. She folded her arms and took a step closer to him as he approached.

"I am glad you came." Bella softly spoke, still in a sickly voice. Jacob tried to take another step, bit was met by Rosalie doing the same. "Close enough." She warned with a straight face. "What's your problem?" Jacob challengingly asked the vampire infront of him. Emmett protectively took a step towards his wife.

"Rose, it's okay." Bella softly said. Rosalie sighed and allowed Jacob to walk around her. She moved to sit next to Catherine, grabbing her hand.

Jacob sat down on the coffee table in front of Bella. He took in her appearance with a worried glint in his eyes. Her hollow cheeks, her dying eyes, het thinning hair, her arms almost bony.

"You look terrible." He blurted out as he saw her, confirming that she was, infact, not a vampire. He looked horrified. "Yeah, it's nice to see you, too." Bella sarcastically responded with a genuine laugh.

Jacob sighed and leaned towards her slightly. "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" He asked whilst chewing on his lip, concerned expression. "Rose, Cath, you wanna help me up?" Bella asked as she held out her hands. Catherine and Rosalie were immediately at her side, almost lifting her off the couch, gently placing her feet on the ground.

Her shirt rode up slightly, exposing her bruised stomach. Everyone in the room tensed slightly. Her belly looked as if she was three months pregnant, even though she was only 2 weeks.

Jacob took in her appearance with a shocked face. It then turned into anger as he turned to Edward. He tried to lunge at him, but was stopped by Emmett standing infront of Edward with a warning look. "You did this!" The wolf exclaimed.

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