Chapter 14

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September, 2005

The Cullens were slowly adjusting to New York. Catherine had started working in the diner. She was making good money with all the tips. She was quite happy, getting adjusted to New York was pretty easy for her. She was a little sad that she couldn't spend as much time with her husband, since they didn't go to the same school or worked at the same place anymore. They would spend, much to the dismay of their family, every second they were not working or at school, together.

Jasper was studying psychology. He was having fun in school. He had control over his bloodlust, he hadn't even come close to biting someone after Bella's party. He was a little sad that he wasn't able to spend as much time with Catherine. So when they were together, they were stuck to each other like glue.

Rosalie and Emmett were really enjoying the fact that they could spend all day with each other. The house was very clean due to them being home all day long. They acted like a newly-wed couple again. It was incredibly cute. They were constantly sharing sweet kisses, random hugs and they were.... loud.

Carlisle had been working at the new hospital, nothing really changed for him, except that he now worked nights. Esme had been working as a kindergarden teacher. Something she had been before, since she really loved kids. That probably had something to do with the child that she lost when she was still human.

Alice and Oliver had been pretty much the same. They had gone to a highschool again so there wasn't much of a difference for them. But they did miss having their siblings around all the time. Alice missed Bella extremely much though.

Edward barely left his room. Rosalie and Emmett had told the others that he never left his room during the day, he only came out of his room to hunt every once in a while. He was doing terrible, but, this was his choice. He would have to live with it.

Catherine was walking home late after her shift. She was still in her uniform, a dress with a short skirt, it had buttons and a collar. The skirt was a little too short for her taste, but it got her more tips.

Her heels clicked on the ground at a rapid pace, she just wanted to be home. It was 9 P.M. and her shift had felt like it had taken decades. The only thing she wanted was to be home and in her husband's arms.

She let out a deep breath as she arrived at the front door. She knocked on the door, she had lost her keys, and waited for someone to open the door. On the other side of the door she heard yelling.

"I'm opening the door!" And then. "No it's my wife!" Followed by. "I don't care! It's my sister!" And next. "Emmett, get out! Leave me alone!" And lastly.

"Emmett, go- Hey beautiful." The door opened and she was met with her husband. He was pushing Emmett away from the door. Emmett was trying to get past the blonde. "How was work, sweetheart?" He casually said.

Catherine laughed. "It was fine, thanks? What the hell are you two doing?" She questioned with a confused look. Jasper ignored her question and was about to pull her in for a kiss, but Emmett pushed past him and hugged Catherine. He whispered in her ear. "I've purposefully annoying Jasper all day, it's driving him mad. Play along."

She laughed and hugged him back. He lifted her in the air and spun her around. She squeeled. "Put me down! Emmett!" She yelled while slapping his shoulder. He set her down and kissed her cheek before running off, pointing his middle finger at Jasper. "Screw you, Jasper!" He screamed while running away.

Catherine shook her head, laughing. She turned to her husband. "What the hell was that?" She asked with an amused smile. He just shrugged. "He has been an ass all day." He answered.

"How was work?" He asked while pulling her inside. She gave him a grin. "Same as always." She shrugged with a smile. He didn't answer as he placed his hands on her cheeks. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her. A deep, loving kiss.

"I missed you." He mumbled against her lips before pressing his against hers again. She gladly reciprocated, hands moving to his shoulders. His hands moved down her shoulders, her arms, her waist, her thighs and then her butt. His large, cold hands squeezed the skin, moving underneath the skirt, not that it covered a lot to begin with.

"Jas, Jas not in the hallway." She mumbled against his lips while pulling his hands away from her bottom. He tried to keep going, but she pushed him away. "Cathy, come on." He whined against her mouth. She shook her head. "No, Jasper not right now." She pushed him away and held up a finger. "No." She added.

He rolled his eyes and lifted her on his shoulder. She squeeled and kicked her feet. "Jasper! Jasper let me go!" She yelled, her laughter sounded like music to his ears. "You said: "Not in the hallway!" Am I right?" He answered, mimicking her voice.

She let her body go limp, hanging on his shoulder like a potato sack.

October, 2005

Edward had moved out, he had rented a trashy apartment in the middle of the city. He had left them, when it was his idea to move!

November, 2005

Edward barely called. Everyone missed him terribly. He only ever called to ask Alice if Bella did something or made any decisions. It was breaking the little vampire, she terribly missed Bella. She had nervous breakdowns at random moments due to all the stress. This caused Oliver and her to have to quit high school.

Catherine had been having a hard time at her job. Some guy came in all the time and he always relentlessly flirted with her. He even went as far as trying to touch her. Even though she really loved being a waitress, she was contemplating quitting. Jasper was encouraging her to do so.

December, 2005

Edward didn't come over for christmas. The Cullen household celebrated with only 8 vampires present instead of 9. Even though the Cullens had fun, there was still someone missing.

They got a call on New Year's Eve. He called to tell them that he was fine, and that he would just celebrate on his own. Not very descriptive.

January, 2006

Rosalie and Emmet got married. Again! This was one of the many times they got married. Emmett and Rosalie get married a lot, since Emmett wants her to experience her dream wedding as mch as possible. Carlisle was against having the wedding at first, since they had all been very busy. But Rosalie thought that, since everything had been tense in the family, a celebration would get everyone happy again. Edward didn't show up though. The wedding was small, yet incredibly beautiful.

February, 2006

Things were pretty much the same. Catherine quit her job, so she had a lot of free time on her hands. She was growing bored, just sitting at home all day. Jasper had been trying to entertain her, but he still had to go to college.

Edward was still gone, but the Cullens had gotten used to New York. And they all had their own lives to focus on.

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