Chapter 31

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August 12, 2006, Cullen Residence
(A/N Today's my birthday!!)

Bella strugged to walk on heels, she was stumbling and tripping over her own feet. Catherine was surprised the mortal hadn't sprained her ankels yet.

Catherine and Alice watched Bella with grimaces on their faces. "You just have to break them in." Alice tried to reassure Bella. "I've been breaking them in. For three days." Bella complained. "Can't I just go barefoot?" She pleaded.

"No!" Alice exclaimed with an offended look. "Absolutely not!" Bella held out a hand and sighed. "I just think that it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, all of this."

"This is much? Than you haven't seen Alice's wedding yet. She went absolutely overboard." Catherine teased her sister. Alice playfully glared at her. "This is exactly enough." Alice said as the three ladies watched the others setting up for the wedding.

"Tomorrow will be perfect!" Alice reassured the mortal while grabbing her arms.

"Where do you want em' boss?" Emmett asked as he approached them while holding a large tree. "On either side of the aisle." Alice instructed while pointing. "What aisle?" Rosalie asked as she stumbled with a piece of wood in her hands.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice exclaimed before walking over to Rosalie.

Bella quickly took off the white heels and put them in her bag. "Just don't wear the heels if you don't wanna. Alice isn't allowed to yell at you on your wedding day." Catherine reassured the mortal with a small smile.

"She can yell at you on my wedding day." Bella chuckled softly as she put on her converse. "She can yell all she wants, I'm not scared of her." Catherine confidently grinned at her future sister-in-law.

"Catherine! Come help us!" Alice shouted from the chairs. Catherine jumped up in surprise and her eyes went wide. "Not scared, huh?" Bella teased. Catherine quickly composed herself and grinned. "Not even a little bit."

She tightly embraced the mortal and said. "The wedding tomorrow will be fun, I assure you." Catherine reassured before kissing Bella's cheek and running towards Alice.

"What do you need me to help with, boss?" Catherine asked as she approached Alice. "Help Jasper set the chairs in their places." Alice ordered before walking towards Bella again.

"Looks like our duties are together." Catherine flirted with Jasper as she walked past him with a few chairs in her arms. "Looks like it." He flirted back as he took her chairs from her. Their faces were incredibly close to one another's as both their hands were on the chairs.

He ghosted his lips over hers before pulling the chairs out of her hands and walking away with a small smirk. She smiled and took a breath before getting more chairs.

She placed the chairs in the places Alice pointed while glancing at Jasper whenever she could. He noticed, since he was doing the same, and winked at her every time she looked.

"Hey Jasper?" Catherine called out to him as he stood on the other side of the wedding venue. His head shot up at the sound of her voice and he grinned at her. "Yes, darlin'?" He shouted back. "I think that if you take off your shirt, my work will be way more efficient." She bit her lip as they approached each other.

Jasper stood in front of his wife and placed his hands on the sides of her neck. "Are you sure I won't just distract you?" He teased. Her hands slid under his shirt as her eyes never left his. "I don't think so. I think it'll encourage me to hurry up my work so I can get you into bed before nightfall." She pulled him closer to him with a grin.

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now