Chapter 49

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September 14th, 2006, Cullen Residence

Jasper and Catherine watched from the window of their bedroom as Charlie drove away from the house in his police car. Bella and Edward watched him go, both with a satisfied smile on their faces.

"Come on, darlin'," Jasper gently took his wife's hand before pulling her towards the door.

The couple ran down the stairs at vanpire speed and reach the door as Bella and Edward turned around to walk back towards the house.

"Well done, Bella," Jasper said as they stood next to Emmett, who was already there with his arms folded and a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"I've never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint," Jasper nodded proudly at the newborn. Bella proudly grinned as Edward wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Well, the newborns you worked with didn't really need to have restraint," Catherine joked whilst leaning against her husband.

His smile immediately fell at the mention of his past, even though everyone there already knew about it. The pain was just still there.

Catherine immediately noticed her mistake and felt a pang of guilt hit her heart.

"I'm so sorry..." she quickly apologised looking up at Jasper and placing a hand gently on his stomach.

Jasper took a deep breath. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it," he softly said, kissing her cheek.

"You know," Emmett changed the subject to lighten the mood.

"I'm not sure she is a newborn. She's so... tame," he challengingly stared down at Bella, that playful glint is his eyes like always.

Catherine and Jasper both softly said, "ooeehhh," as they turned to watch the newborn's reaction.

Bella just raised an eyebrow as she stared at Emmett. "Emmett, don't antagonize her. She's the strongest one in the house," Edward said, softly smiling.

Emmett snorted and cracked his knuckles. "Please," he scoffed.

Everyone was now outside, Emmett and Bella were gonna armwrestle to decide who was the strongest.

Emmett had taken off his vest, leaving him in a tanktop and leaving Rosalie close to fainting. Bella was just standing there with her arms crossed, seemig as if she wasn't so sure she would win herself.

Emmett placed a large boulder between his and Bella as the rest of the family divided in who they thought would win.

Everyone was on Bella's side except for Rosalie and Catherine.

"Don't hurt yourself, Emmett," Edward teased, watching his wife with a proud smile.

Emmett scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I won't, don't you worry about me," he confidently said with a shrug.

"I don't even understand why everyone is on her side," Emmett scoffed.

"I'm just on your side because I felt bad for you," Catherine defended, holding up her hands.

Emmett rolled his eyes and grinned as he leaned forward towards the rock to grab Bella's hand.

They both put their hands behind their backs, staring each other down with grins on their faces.

"All right, on three," Jasper said, playing as the referee.




He counted down before clasping his hands behind his back and watching.

Catherine ran up to his, using her vampire speed, and wrapped her arm around his waist as they watched the game.

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