Chapter 32

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August 13th, 2006, Cullen residence

"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice asked as she applied concealer on Bella's bags. Catherine, Alice and Bella were all in robes as the two vampires did Bella's makeup. "Oh, give her a rest, it's her wedding day. Of course she's not gonna sleep a lot." Catherine defended Bella as she placed her hands on the mortal's shoulders.

"I had a bad dream." Bella apologetically mumbled. "Wedding jitters." The mortal added, agreeing with Catherine.

Rosalie walked in, also wearing only a short nightgown with a robe over it. "Do you need some help?" She asked with a soft smile. "I could do her hair." She offered.

"Really?" Bella asked with a surprised smile. Rosalie smiled and walked up behind Bella. She pulled out Bella's hairtie and touched the mortal's hair.

"Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom." Rosalie looked at Bella through the mirror. Bella chuckled and joked. "Just my... blatent lack of respect for mortality."

Rosalie chuckled and nodded. "Essentially." She agreed. Alice happily sighed and wrapped her arms around Catherine. "Weddings. They bring everyone together." She squeeled.

Catherine laughed as Rosalie fondly smiled at her sisters. "Do you need my help here?" Catherine asked as Alice did Bella's makeup and Rosalie did her hair. Alice nodded and quickly jumped up. "Could you steam the dress?" Alice asked as she got out the dress. Catherine nodded and took the piece of clothing.

"I'll go do that in another room." Catherine said her goodbyes to her two sisters and her sister-to-be before walking out into the hallway. She opened the door to Carlisle's study, he had told the girls they could use it if needed, and hung the dress on the door.

She steamed the dress carefully, not really relishing the thought of Alice yelling at her... again. She could hear the voices of Charlie and Renée outside the door.

Catherine was done with the dress, so she stepped out to the hall. "Are those graduation caps?" Charlie asked Renée as they stood next to each other on the stairs. He pointed at the graduation caps with a mystery box he was holding. Renée laughed and clapped her hands a few times. "How creative!" She exclaimed in a surprised tone.

"Or weird..." Charlie commented with a weirded-out expression. Renée jokingly slapped his chest with a little laugh. "It's a tradition in our family. Each generation gifts their graduation caps to their children." Catherine quickly lied, scaring the two mortals since they had not noticed her before.

"This one is mine." Catherine proudly pointed to the last graduation cap in her row. "That is so adorable!" Renée exclaimed with a large smile. Catherine giggled and nodded. "So, Mrs. Dwyer, I heard you were looking for Bella?" The vampire gave Bella's mother an charming smile.

"Yes, that's right, I am looking for our daughter." Renée nodded and gave Charlie a look. "My sisters are helping her get ready, we are all really excited for her to officially be part of our family!" Catherine happily exclaimed as she opened the door to the room Bella, Alice and Rosalie were in.

"Right this way." Catherine led Charlie and Renée inside.

"Oh, my gosh!" Renée held her hands over her mouth as she saw her daughter. Bella did look very pretty. Her hair was styled in a fancy updo, Rosalie's work, and her makeup looked flawless. Catherine discreetely hung Bella's dress back where is was.

"You're so beautiful!" Renée exclaimed with tears filling her blue eyes as she stroked Bella's cheek. "Crap! My mascara!" Renée cried out while wiping underneath her eyes. The ladies in the room all laughed as Alice quickly handed Renée a handkerchief.

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now