Chapter 13

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September 13th, 2005, Cullen Residence

After the shit show of a party, Catherine had taken Jasper hunting. Afterwards she forced him to go take a shower. While he was doing so, she was downstairs, yelling at Edward. The rest of the family were all watching them.

"It's not like he could help it! You had no right to yell at him! Who the hell do you think you are?!" She yelled. Edward just sat on the couch, a guilty expression on his face. "I already said I was sorry." He replied. She pointed a finger at him. "To me! Not my husband! The one who's upstairs, feeling guilty!" She screamed.

She sat next to him on the couch. "Do you remember what I told you a few months ago?" She softly said, even though her voice was quiet, she was still obviously fuming. Edward shook his head. "I don't know, you say a lot?!" He answered while giving her an angry look.

"I told you, that if you were to ever yell at my Jasper again, that I would cut off your dusty-ass vampire balls and feed them to you. Now I ask. Do you remember?!" She yelled the last sentence.

"I remember." He mumbled. "And you know something else I always say?" Before he could answer she continued. "I am a woman of my word! Next time you turn your back, I'll snip your balls off!" She screamed at him.

"Catherine. That's enough." Carlisle warned the fuming vampire. "Go upstairs. Jasper needs you right now." Esme said while resting a hand on Catherine's shoulder. Catherine stood up, clenching her fists tightly.

She rapidly walked off, Rosalie softly rested a hand on her back as she passed her.

When she got to her room, she opened the door. Inside, she saw Jasper, laying on their bed. He was on his side, eyes closed and legs up to his chest. She would've thought that he was sleeping, if he could.

"Hey, honey." She whispered as she approached the bed. He didn't open his eyes as he whispered back. "Hey." He didn't move a muscle. She sat next to him on the bed, placing a hand on his waist.

"How are you?" She softly said. She reached up, stroking some blond locks out of his face. "I'm not sure." He mumbled. He finally opened his eyes, his golden eyes stared into hers.

"Hey, honey." She whispered again. She leaned down and softly kissed his forehead. "I love you." She mumbled against his forehead. He nodded. "I love you too." He murmered.

She climbed over him, laying behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, spooning him. She softly pressed a kiss inbetween his shoulder blades. She raised her leg and wrapped it around his hip, pulling him even closer to her.

He raised his hand, one of the first times he's moved in the whole interaction, and rested it on her thigh. They layed there for a few hours, not moving a muscle, except when Catherine would occasionally kiss his back or shoulder.

"Thank you, Cathy." He whispered while turning around in her arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "For what?" She asked while placing her hands on his jaw. "For being here with me. I don't deserve you." He sighed and kissed her forehead.

She frowned. "Don't deserve me?" She mumbled. "Honey, you really think that?" She asked while stroking his cheek with her thumb. "That's stupid!" She exclaimed with a small laugh. Jasper looked confused. "Why are you laughing about that?" He said, but her laugh was contagious so he also let out a short laugh.

"You do deserve me. Don't ever think that again." She reassured him. He softly smiled, he caressed her waist while saying. "Still, thank you." Before kissing her. "I love you." He leaned in to kiss her. Before he could she whispered back. "I love you more." She then closed the gap between them, softly placing her lips on his.

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