Chapter 51

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November, 2006, Cullen Residence

It was a nice, calm evening in the Cullen house.

Bella, Edward and Renesmee were spending the night at their own house, so the house was a little emptier than normal. It still wasn't calm at all.

Emmett was running circles around the room. Esme had told him he had to much energy and that he needed to get rid of it so this was his solution. Everyone's hair blew in the wind as he passed everyone at vampire speed.

Rosalie was trying to read a magazine. Emphasis on trying. Her magazine kept getting blown out of her hands every time Emmett ran past her, her scowl just kept worsening.

Oliver and Alice were on a hunt, so luckily for them they didn't have to witness Emmett's tornado.

Esme was sitting on her armchair, an annoyed expression as she tried to keep telling Emmett to stop running, she was blatantly ignored by him. He just laughed every time.

Carlisle was slouched on the couch, pinching the bridge of a nose with an expression that suggested he wanted to end his life.

Jasper was in the corner of the room, picking a book out of the bookshelve when Catherine bounced into the room, aiming at Jasper.

"Jasper, think fast!" She yelled from behind her husband. He quickly reacted, barely looking away from the bookshelve, catching her when she jumped in his arms. Her hands quickly found their place on his shoulders as his caught her by holding her waist, lifting her.

"There she is!" Jasper grinned widely at his wife, his eyes crinkling up. He lifted her higher into the air and spun her around a few times as she laughed.

Catherine wrapped her legs around his waist as he stopped spinning. She was still laughing as she leaned down to peck his lips.

"Now, what do I owe this pleasure to, my darlin'?" Jasper asked after returning her kiss. He placed his hands underneath her thighs to hold her up.

Catherine brushed his hair out of his face, still grinning from ear-to-ear when they were interrupted by an angry Edward entering the house.

"Hey, Edward, what's-" Esme was cut off by Edward. Catherine dropped to the ground, still holding her husband.

"Jasper Whitlock Hale, did you tell my daughter to ask me what a cockblock is?" Edward said, angrily staring at Jasper.

Catherine's mouth fell open before she snorted, trying her best to hide her laughter as she hid her face in Jasper's chest.

Jasper boyishly laughed, wrapping his arm around his wife and quickly covering his mouth with his hand.

"Jasper!" Edward scolded him, a dissapointed look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Edward! She asked when Cathy and I were tucking her in bed yesterday. I panicked!" Jasper helplessly tried to explain himself, it wasn't convincing since he was still laughing like a madman.

"Well, Bella and I were laying her in bed today, and she suddenly asked me, 'daddy, what's a cockblock'. You two are corrupting my daughter," Edward sighed in dissapointment, rolling his eyes as Catherine and Jasper had to lean onto each other to not fall on the ground.

"So, what did you tell her it was?" Jasper asked, trying to compose himself but failing miserably.

"I told her it was a term for someone who blocked someone else from having candy," Edward said, Catherine had never seen him that dissapointed. Well... he must've looked very dissapointed when he thought Bella was dead and tried to kill himself.

"I heard that, Catherine," Edward said, sighing and turning around. "I have to go back home, make sure you guys haven't told my kid any other bad words," he then ran away at vampire speed.

As soon as Catherine and Jasper were sure he couldn't heat then anymore, they burst out laughing again. Catherine had her hands on Jasper's chest as she tried not to fall over while Jasper had almost fallen back against the bookshelve.

"What have you two done?" Esme asked, dissapointment and slight amusement dripping from her voice.

Catherine and Jasper then turned to face their family, only to notice that they were all already looking at them. Emmett had even stopped running.

Rosalie was trying to hide her laughter, knowing that she was the one the insult 'cockblock' was directed at. She hid her face in Emmett's shoulder, while he didn't even attempt his laughter. He was laughing so hard that they could barely hear him anymore.

Alice didn't seem impressed, since she was still trying to make Renesmee into the perfect little child, and teaching her bad words wouldn't help with that.

"I'm sorry, Es, we really didn't mean to," Jasper lied, trying to soothe his mother as he wrapped his arm around Catherine.

"We'll be going upstairs now," he pulled his wife along with him, kissing Esme's cheek and lovingly squeezing her shoulder as they passed her.

"You're such a mama's boy," Catherine commented as they entered their room.

"What?" Jasper side-eyed Catherine as he closed the door behind her.

"Don't worry, I think it's adorable," she reassured with a grin as she turned to face him.

"Just because I love the woman that had been my mother for a long time, doesn't mean I'm a mama's boy," Jasper scoffed slightly, looking away from Catherine and avoiding her eyes.

"Oh, please, you totally have a soft spot for her," it was now Catherine's turn to scoff.

"So?" Jasper retorted, finally meeting her eyes with a lopsided grin.

"Nothing, like I said, I think it's really adorable," Catherine said, slinging her arms around him with a grin of her own.

"Well, you're kind of a daddy's girl," Jasper shrugged as he placed his hands on her waist and tugged her closer to him.

"No, I'm not," Catherine quickly denied, too quickly.

"Yes you are, if I have a soft spot for Esme, than you totally have a soft spot or Carlisle," Jasper teased, lightly pinching her side.

"Well, I've known him for almost threehundred years. If you spend that long with a person than you kind of develop a soft spot for them," Catherine defended herself, after slapping Jasper's hand.

"I mean, we met in the 1700s, you didn't even exist back then," Catherine sassed, nudging her husband.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Jasper leaned down to peck her lips.

"He's one of my best friends. When we met he didn't even feel like a father figure yet. Then we traveled together and we pretended to be father-daughter in the towns. Sometimes brother and sister. You know how disgusting the men were back then, so we even attempted pretending to be married to get them off my back. That was very awkward," Catherine explained.

"I know, Cathy, you've told me this before," Jasper leaned down to kiss her again.

"Sorry," she sheepishly smiled at him.

"Don't be," he kissed her again.

So, this summer break I'm going on vacation, but the house we're staying at doesn't have any wifi. So I'm not gonna be able to update for two weeks when I'm there. I leave this monday, but I've downloaded BD pt.2 on Netflix so I can still write, so I'll still write, but just publish the chapters when I'm back in my country.

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