Chapter 16

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March 19th, 2006, Volterra

The car sped towards Volterra at high speed. Catherine had just stolen it. It was a yellow sports car with leather seats. She was going way over the speed limit but they had to hurry.

"I'm just guessing that you didn't rent this car?" Bella asked while Catherine took a sharp turn.

"I figured you wouldn't mind. Since we kind of have to save your boyfriend. I figured grand theft auto would be just fine." The brunette vampire answered. She and Alice were wearing scarves, gloves and sunglasses since Volterra was incredibly sunny.

"Not today." Bella shrugged from the backseat.

Catherine noticed that next to her, Alice had tensed up. She was having a vision.

"What? What do you see?" Bella asked from the backseat. She leaned forward so she could look at Alice. Catherine grabbed her sister's hand.

"They refused him." Alice stated. In response, Catherine let out a sigh. "Is he gonna do anything stupid?" She asked, Alice nodded.

"He's gonna make a scene." Alice softly answered. "He's gonna show himself to the humans." She stated with wide eyes.

"No! When?" Bella asked with a scared look.

"He'll wait until noon. 12 o'clock to be exact. The sun will be at it's highest." Alixe stated. "Catherine! We gotta hurry up!" Bella exclaimed. Catherine nodded. "I know! Stop yelling!"

"There's Volterra." Alice said while pointing towards the little village.

Catherine honked her horn at the people of Volterra. She dangerously sped through the narrow streets.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Bella asked while looking around. "It's St. Marcus Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city. It's the perfect setting." The pixie-like vampire explained. "Ironic, is it not?" Catherine asked. "The Volturi will never let him reveal himself." She added.

"Catherine! Hurry up! We have 5 more minutes!" Bella yelled, Alice quickly stopped the girl. "Bella, calm down, just breathe."

"Oh, shit." Catherine cursed as they passed some police officers. The officers knocked on the window, asking them to get out of the car. "Bella, go. He can't see you coming. Hurry!" Catherine yelled after the girl. "Where do I go?" Bella asked.

"Clock tower. Go!" Cathrine yelled. She stepped out of the car, quickly putting on a fake smile. "Hi officer! I'm sorry, but do you speak english?" She said in a flirty tone.

The officer, a man in his early 20s, smiled and nodded. He answered with a heavy Italian accent. "Yes, miss."

"You were speeding and almost driving into people, am I right?" The older officer asked while Alice also stepped out of the car.

Catherine fake-grinned. She might not have any special powers, but she was very charming. "Oh sir, I am so, so sorry! You see, my sister and I are meeting up with some friends, and we're almost late! It won't happen again." She reassured them, batting her eyelashes. She hated flirting with other men, but sometimes it benefitted her.

She twirled a brunette curl around her finger, grinning at the officers. The young one flirtily grinned back at her, she mentally threw up. He turned to his co-worker and smiled. "No one got hurt, we could let em' off with a warning." He suggested, the older man sighed. "Fine, but if I catch one of you doing anything, I'm taking you to the station."

"Thank you so much!" Catherine mentally cringed as she kissed both their cheeks before she pulled her sister along with her. "Hurry." She whispered. Catherine looked over her shoulder to see the young officer touching his cheek in a daze while the older one was a little red.

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now