Chapter 40

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September, 2006, Cullen Residence

The football game was on, Emmett, Oliver, Jasper and Jacob were watching, but it was obvious they weren't paying attention. Alice was leaning against Oliver, staring off into space with an almost glazed expression. Esme and Rosalie were on the couch opposite of the room, watching Bella closely. Said mortal was tossing and turning on the couch as she tried to get into a comfortable position. Edward was on an armchair, close to Bella, his eyes also on her. Catherine was in a far corner of the room, she was staring out of the window, deep in thought.

Bella started softly shivering as she pulled her blanket closer. "Are you cold?" Edward asked his wife as he leaned forward slightly. She nodded with a pained expression as she started shaking slightly. "I got it." Jacob said as he moved to get closer to Bella. His wolf bodyheat warmed her up quickly and a giddy smile broke out onto her face.

"Don't do that." Jacob complained with an eyeroll. "Do what?" Bella joyfully asked. Catherine glanced at Edward, who was staring at them with jealousy burning behind his eyes. "Smile like I am your favorite person in the whole world." He rubbed her leg slightly.

"You're one of them." She confirmed with a loving smile. "Everything feels complete when you're here, Jake." She gently said.

She suddenly got into a couching fit again. These days, she would randomly throw up at any time. Edward immediately held out a bucket for her to puke into. Jacob comfortingly rubbed her back as she coughed into the bucket, no puke coming out.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme worriedly said. "If only I could see the fetus-" Alice worriedly started. "The baby." Rosalie warned. "-maybe I could figure out what it wants." Alice concluded with a confused look.

"I think you might be right, Jacob." Edward perked up a little. Everyone turned to him in anticipation. "Jacob just had a pretty good idea." He explained to the rest.

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment." Jacob slightly smiled at Edward's reaction. "What were you thinking?" Carlisle asked him as he folded his arms. "That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into." Jacob answered.

Catherine giggled at his responce, a genuine giggle that the Cullens hadn't heard in weeks. All of the Cullens took notice of the scolding burn in the back of their throats. If they weren't gonna be able to hunt anytime soon, one of them would snap and kill Jacob and Bella.

"He's thirsty." Bella whispered, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. "I know the feeling." Emmett responded with a frown. "Ditto to that, brother." Catherine tiredly agreed.

"If it's craving, it's not going to want animal blood." Edward thought out loud. "Let it drink from Jacob." Catherine proposed with a hopeful smile. "I have some O negative laid aside for Bella." Carlisle ignored Catherine.

All of the vampires piped up with betrayed frowns. He has had blood laying around this whole time?

Catherine raised her head to look at Jasper. He was following Carlisle with a glazed look in his eyes. Catherine stood up and surprised everyone by quickly taking Jasper's hands and leading him away from everyone. "Come on, Jasper, walk with me." She whispered as she walked backwards so his eyes could stay on her.

She blindly walked to their room, knowing the way there from having walked there so many times. It had been a while since Catherine and Jasper had been alone in the same room, let alone in their bedroom.

Both of the vampires tasted the smell of the blood flowing in their nostrils. Catherine quickly sat Jasper down on their bed and sat on her vanity chair on the other side of the room. "Don't go towards the blood," she simply stated. Jasper sighed and sat back.

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