Chapter 21

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June, 2006, Forks

For the next few days, the Cullens protected Bella and her father and searched for the intruder and Victoria.

They tried working together with the wolves, but it was hard. The wolves would take over so they could hunt. It wasn't an easy alliance. Since most of the Cullens (especially Catherine) still disliked the wolves. Whenever Edward hunted, Bella would be with Jacob. If he wasn't hunting, Bella would be at the Cullen residence.

Catherine and Jasper couldn't see each other a lot, since they didn't have any duties at the same time. Carlisle did this on purpose, knowing that the couple would get distracted if they worked together. The groups were as followed:

Carlisle and Catherine
Rosalie and Alice
Esme and Oliver
Jasper and Emmett

Edward was alone since the only duty he had was watching of Bella. So he wasn't alone often.

"Seattle is in a state of terror." Carlisle, Emmett, Catherine and Jasper were watching the news about multiple homocides in Seattle.

Carlisle was sitting on the couch, hands clasped together. Emmett was standing next to the couch with his arms folded and a serious look on his face. Catherine was sitting sideways on Jasper's lap, she was trying to be as close as possible to her mate, since they barely had any time together nowadays. Her arm was slung loosely around his shoulder while his hand was on her hip, keeping her in place.

"Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances." The blonde news reporter on the television spoke into the microphone she was holding. "Theories range from vicious new gangs to a wildly active serial killer." She continued, she had a serious expression on her face.

"Reporting live-" The woman was cut off by Carlisle turning off the television. "It is getting worse." The vampire said with a frown while Bella and Edward entered the living room. "We're gonna have to do something." He sighed and placed the remote on the coffee table.

Jasper's grip tightened slightly on Catherine's hip as Bella entered. "It takes more than one of our kind to report the damage they're reporting." He spoke in a gravely tone whilst his wife played with the hairs on the back of his head, trying to distract him from the mortal in the room.

"Quite a few more than one." He added, he chewed on his lip while he thought. "And they're... undisciplined, conspicuous." He slowly came to a conclusion. "Newborns." Catherine and Edward said at the same time.

"What, like, new vampires?" Bella asked with a confused expression. "They're like infant vampires," Catherine teased Bella with a grin. Jasper chuckled and nudged her thigh with the back of his hand.

"Ignore Catherine, Bella," he told the mortal. "Can't you be serious for a few minutes?" He asked his wife before lifting up her legs, resting them on the couch. Catherine giggled and leaned down so their lips were almost touching. "Pay attention." Their adoptive father warned them.

Edward rolled his eyes at his siblings' antics before turning to Bella. "In the first few months after the change." He explained while rubbing his girlfriend's arm. "That's when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious." Jasper added whilst tucking some of his hair behind his ear. "Insane with thirst." Catherine added as she stared down at her husband.

"Something to look forward to." Emmett confidently grinned and jokingly flexed his muscles. "No one's trained these newborns." Jasper started before being cut off by his wife. "As far as we know." She matter of factly said while shrugging. Jasper chuckled and smiled at his wife before adding. "As far as we know." Before continuing. "But this isn't random."

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