Chapter 30

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June 15th, 2006, Forks

The Volturi approached the Cullen Clan from the other side of the field. Everyone tensed up. Esme approached them with Bree under her arm. Jasper immediately tugged Catherine closer to him. His hold was tight on her arm as he protectively held her.

The leaders of the Volturi were not with them. Catherine felt just a little bit of pride as she saw Felix, Demetri, Alec and Jane approaching them. She was right and Edward ignored her when she made her point.

The took off their hoods and clasped their hands together infront of them, creepily im sinc. "Impressive." Jane commented. "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." She said in an emotionless tone.

"We were lucky." Carlisle managed to give Jane a small smile. Jane just rolled her eyes. "I doubt that." She said.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec, Jane's twin brother, said in an amused tone. "Yes." Jane agreed with her brother. "It's not often we're rendered unnecessary."

Catherine's hold on Jasper's waist tightened. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purposes." Edward said as he held Bella close to him. Jane noticed the mortal and snarled. "Pity." She said.

Her eyes slid over the Cullens before they fell on Bree. "You missed one." She said as her eyes fixated on the little girl.

Jasper and Catherine quickly moved towards Bree and protectively stood next to her. "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle assured the guards. "That wasn't yours to offer." Jane harshly said before turning to Bree again.

"Why did you come?" She loudly asked the newborn. Bree just looked scared as she turned to look at Catherine. Jane barely gave her time to respond before she used her powers on Bree.

Bree screamed in pain as she fell to the ground. Catherine knew that if she tried anything, their entire coven would be murdered. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as her lip quivered.

"Who created you?" Jane asked with a small smile on her face as she increased her powers. Bree screamed louder and started having spasms on the ground.

"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme quickly cut in with a desperate look on her face. Jane ceased her powers with a smile. "I know."

"I don't know! Riley wouldn't tell us! He said our thoughts weren't safe!" Bree exclaimed as she gasped for air. Catherine approached the newborn and helped her up. Catherine kissed her head before wrapping her arm around Bree's shoulder.

"Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her." Edward sneered from behind Carlisle. "Edward, is the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her." Carlise told his son before turning to Jane. "Isn't that right, Jane?"

"Of course." Jane obviously lied with an amused glinter in her eyes. She turned to the guards behind her. "Felix, Demetri, take care of her, keep the Cullen alive. I'd like to go home now."

"She didn't know what she was doing!" Esme protested as the two guards approached Catherine and Bree. Jane stopped the guards for a second. "We'll take responsibility for her." Catherine quickly exclaimed. "Give her a chance, please." Carlisle added.

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind." Jane turned to Bella and Edward. "Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." She gave Bella a dissaproving up and down.

Bella surprised everyone by boldly responding. "The date is set." Jane rolled her eyes in boredom.

"Take care of that, guys. I'd like to go home." Jane turned around and started walking away with her twin brother. Felix and Demetri approached Catherine and Bree. Demitri grabbed Catherine's arms and pulled her away from Bree. Catherine struggled against his hold, trying to get to Bree.

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