Chapter 52

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December 14th, 2006, Forks

Bella and Catherine happily chatted as they strolled beside one another towards the meadow. It was winter now, snow had started falling and christmad was right around the corner.

Renesmee was still growing too much, too quick. Bella and Edward wanted to find some answers so they could find out how long they would have left with their daughter.

Renesmee was a few feet ahead of her aunt and mother, skipping around the forest and taking in her surroundings very carefully while Jacob trailed behind his imprint, watching her carefully.

When they got to the meadow, Bella and Catherine sat down on a rock together as Renesmee catched snowflakes. They could feel Jacob's presence behind them.

"Mommy! Mommy, look!" They heard Renesmee exclaim from the field. The hybrid ran over to her aunt and mother with an excited glinter in her eyes. Bella quickly crouched down to get to her daughter's height.

"What is it, honey?" Bella tentatively asked, giving her daughter her full attention.

"Look, mommy, it's a snowflake," Ness held out her hand to show a very small snowflake sitting in the palm of her cold hand.

"It's beautiful, sweetie," Bella smiled fondly at her daughter's dissapointment when the sbowflake melted.

"Why don't you get another one for your aunt Cath?" Bella softly stroked her daughter's cheek as she nodded and ran away again. Bella sat next to her sister again.

"Edward thinks that we'll find answers in Brazil," Bella turned to Catherine again, continuing their conversation.

"There are tribes there that might know something," she elaborated.

"Now that you mention it, I do recall hearing rumors of hybrid babies in foreign tribes. It conpletely slipped my mind," Catherine sighed in disbelief at her own clumsyness.

"I really hope you find what you're looking for," Catherine took Bella's hand, wrapping it in hers.

"Thanks," Bella softly mumbled before they turned back to Renesmee just in time to see her jump up in the sky to catch another snowflake.

Bella smiled at her daughter in disbelief while Catherine just proudly grinned at her niece. "She's so amazing," Catherine whispered. That was when her eyes focused on something... someone way behind Renesmee.


"Irina..." Catherine mumbled as she quickly stood up.

Renesmee noticed the presence behind her and ran over to her mother, who held her in her arms.

"Who was that?" Renesmee asked as she held onto her mother's leg.

"I think that'a our cousin from Denali," Bella said while still staring at the hill Irina was still on.

Jacob protectively growled at Irina, baring his teeth. Catherine didn't appreciate this and pulled the hair of his fur harshly, making him yelp.

"Irina!" Catherine then called out to her cousin. Irina then turned around and ran away.

Catherine sighed and ran after her, Bella following closely behind.

When they got to the hill there was no sign of Irina ever being there.

Bella instinctively ran over to the sife of the cliff, Catherine following after her.

When they stared down, they saw ripples in the water, meaning that Irina had jumped in.

"We gotta get home," Catherine mumbled. She immediately got a bad feeling.

"Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us," Carlisle said as he hung up the phone.

"It looks like she changed her mind," Edward said as he leaned his head on his hand. He had been playing piano with his daughter when the long phonecall had finally ended.

Catherine was sitting in her armchair next to her husband. He had a comforting arm around her as she leaned into his chest, shaking slightly.

"Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her," Esme, who was next to Carlisle, said in a careful voice.

"I wish I could've just spoken to her, maybe apologised," Bella breathed out with a sad expression.

"She's family. She'll come around," Carlisle was quick to reassure her as Esme took his hand.

Catherine sighed, worry still flowing through her veins as she sat back against the armchair, tucked underneath Jasper's arm.

She felt a few waves of calm overcome her, so she turned to her husband with a small smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.

"It'll be fine, Cathy," Jasper tightened his arm around her, pulling her closer and kissing her head as Edward started playing the piano with Renesmee siting on the stool next to him. The child had taken a liking to the piano so she often played with her father.

Catherine leaned her head on her husband's shoulder as they listened to the soft melody.

A/N: very short chapter:( I've been really busy packing for vacation so I haven't had any time or energy to post long chapters. I leave tomorrow morning and I'm really excited!!

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