Chapter 8

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March 16th, 2005, Forks
Big time skip I know:(

Catherine felt like she couldn't breathe. Not in a bad way. A type of breatheless she felt while Jasper kissed her. His cold, soft lips against hers, his ice cold hands all over her body.

Catherine felt that way as she made out with Jasper in their room. Her back was against one of their many bookcases as he had previously pushed her against it. His hands were on her cheeks, angling her head so he had better access to her lips. One of her hands was on his hip, squeezing it tightly as the other was tangled in his blond hair.

She felt his hand move down from her face. They grazed her waist before they reached her thighs. He lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he moves her to the bed, carefully laying her down without breaking the kiss. His hands move from her thighs to the sides of her face to hold himself up.

His lips moved away from her mouth. Towards her cheek, her jaw, her ear, her jaw again and then her neck and shoulders. He sucked and bit at her cold, pale skin. Her moans only encouraged him to continue.

"That's good." She softly breathed out as her hand shot up and tangled in his hair. She moved her head so he had better access. "Is that so?" He softly asked her before harshly biting her neck, earning him a loud moan from her in response. She just nodded while he licked the small glass like crack he had made in her skin.

"Yo, I don't know what you're doing, but stop it. There's gonna be a thunderstorm today. We're playing baseball." They heard Emmett's voice outside the door. Thank god for soundproof walls.

Jasper ignored Emmett as he continued going to town on Catherine's neck. His wife, on the other hand, attempted to stand on the ground again. She failed when Jasper pushed her hips against the wall harshly.

"Hellooo?" Emmett said from the door. Catherine yelled out. "In a minute!" (I know that doesn't make any sense because of the walls but just... pretend they're magic or something. Sorry:((. )

They heard Emmett sigh before walking off. Catherine tried pushing Jasper off but he was stuck to her like glue.

"Jas- Jasper. Get off. We're playing baseball." She said while giggling. She could feel Jasper grin against her neck as he continued his assault.

"Why would I play baseball when you're way funner?" He said as his lips traveled up her jaw and to her mouth again.

She just laughed as he hovered over her. "What, funner to play with?" She asked. He just shrugged.

"Your words not mine, sweetheart." He tried kissing her neck again but she pushed him off. "No. Get dressed." She laughed a bit before getting off of the bed and walking to their closet.

She saw Jasper looking at her with puppy eyes. She rolled her eyes with a grin and threw a shirt at him. "Put that on." She put on a shirt and a pair of pants. "I'll meet you downstairs." She told him before walking towards the door.

She was met with the Cullens collecting their gear and dressing up. Emmett was putting a baseball cap on Rosalie's head.

"No Edward?" She asked with a frown as Carlisle handed her her gloves.

"No he went to pick up his little girlfriend." Rosalie said with venom in her voice. Catherine's mouth fell open. "She can't! Not with the nomads still in the area." She exclaimed.

She heard an amused, southern voice behind her. "Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly." Jasper's index and middle finger pushed her jaw up. She rolled her eyes and playfully glared at him. "We'll be fine, Alice saw them headed south." He said with a shrug.

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now