Chapter 33

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August 13th, 2006, Cullen Residence

Bella and Edward walked back into the yard after spending a little bit of time together as a freshly married couple. Jasper and Catherine were strolling around, much to Jasper's dismay, and saying hi to guests.

"Just thought it would've been bigger." The vampires heard the condesending voice that belonged to Jessica say. Catherine scowled and grabbed Jasper's hand, pulling him in their direction. "What are we doing?" He asked as he tried to pull her back. Catherine let go of his hand and responded. "I'm just going to have a friendly little chat with Jessica." Catherine said in a fake sweet voice. 

"Fine." Jasper shrugged. "I'll wait here for you." He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. "Have fun." He teased. She giggled and nodded. "I will, thanks."

Catherine walked over to Jessica and the other mortals with the fakest smile she could muster up. 

"Hi!" Jessica quickly said as she noticed the vampire approaching her. "Hey, guys!" Catherine let out an incredibly fake laugh.  Mike's eyes directed down to her chest, almost as if muscle memory. Catherine took a deep breath and turned to Jessica again. "Are you guys enjoying yourselves?" Catherine asked.

"Yes! We were just saying how pretty everything is!" Jessica quickly lied. Catherine internally rolled her eyes and her smile dissapeared. "That's so funny." She commented, her fake smile quickly recovering.

"How's that?" Eric asked with a confused expression. Catherine fakely laughed and clasped her hands together. "Oh, It's just that I heard  you guys complaining about how small the cake is. Trust me, you won't starve." Catherine responded while sending Jessica a glare. Jessica looked like a fish, her mouth hung open in confusion as she tried to find words.

"You know, Jessica. My sister worked really hard to arrange this wedding. She spend countless hours making sure everything was perfect. I don't appreciate you shitting on it." Catherine took a step closer to Jessica. "I think we can all agree everything looks good here?" She asked in a fake sugary-sweet tone.

Jessica, Mike and Eric all nodded, since they were the ones shitting about the party. Angela looked embarresed at her friends' behavior. "Okay, enjoy yourselves for the rest of the night!" Catherine giggled before moving to walk away. She was stopped by a large hand on her stomach from behind, Jasper.

Jasper looked at Mike, who had been staring at Catherine the entire time. Jasper gestured to his wife's eyes and told the blonde boy. "Her eyes are up here." Jasper raised an eyebrow at the mortals before pulling Catherine along with him.

Jasper wrapped his arm around Catherine's waist as they walked through the reception together. "Thank you for defending my honor." Catherine thanked him while smiling up at him.

"No! Thank you for defending my honor." They heard a voice that belonged to their sister behind them. Alice pulled Catherine away from Jasper and tightly hugged her. "I heard your interaction with Jessica. Thank you." Alice whispered in Catherine's ear as they embraced each other.

"It's my pleasure. Anyone insulting our Alice is just asking for teeth sunk in their necks." Catherine kissed Alice's cheek before pulling back from the hug. "Anyway, I had been waiting for an opportunity to call her out for something."

"Yes, yes, you hate Jessica.  Can I have my wife back now?" Oliver lifted Alice up by the waist and pulled her away from Catherine. "Any being that insults my Alice deserves the worst." Oliver romantically looked into Alice's eyes. She giggled and pressed her lips against his as he put her down on the ground again.

"Okay, I'm uncomfortable, Cathy, let's go." Jasper grabbed Catherine's arm and pulled her away from the still kissing couple. He walked, to Catherine's surprise, towards the wolves. He smiled, to Catherine's surprise, and did some bro-hug with Seth.

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