Chapter 1

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January 18th, 2005, Forks Washington


"You're gonna be late!" Esme yells at her 7 'kids'. Carlisle had left for work early on purpose, sensing that chaos would erupt.

Alice had been trying to get her mate, Oliver, to match clothes with her. He was refusing. Edward and Emmett were fighting over who would sit in the passenger seat. Rosalie was sitting in the drivers seat, head in her hands, looking ready to jump off a cliff. Catherine was in the backseat, patting her sister's back softly while her mate, Jasper was unbothered by everyone around him.

He sat in the backseat next to Catherine. His hand on her thigh while the other was holding a book.

"Okay quiet!" Esme loudly yelled. Everyone looked up at her. "Edward, Emmett, with your childish behaviour Jasper will ride in the passenger seat. You're both at least 90, act like it. Oliver, just match with Alice, it's not the end of the world. Rosalie, stop looking like you wanna jump off of a cliff, honey, believe me it's not fun. Jasper, get your nose out of your damn book and go sit in the passenger seat."

Everyone looked slightly scared, the kind, warm woman that they called their mother rarely got mad at them. Everyone obeyed without complaint. Edward went to Alice's car, sitting in the backseat. Jasper sat in the passenger seat in Rosalie's car while Emmett sat next to Catherine. Oliver sighed and quickly changed in vampire speed and got in Alice's car.

The two cars drove off. Jasper and Rosalie, who pretended to be twins in Forks, talked about the hunt that would take place that evening. While Catherine was trying to convince (more like gaslight) Emmett that she didn't cheat in their last game of Mario Kart. He just looked confused as he tried to protest.

"No I didn't push the controller out of your hand." Catherine said. "Hey Jasper, honey, could you tell Emmett I'm right, please?" She said to her mate and husband. He just responded with a bored "of course dear" before he continued his conversation with Rosalie.

"No! He's just saying that because you're married!" Emmet protested. "Jasper the truth." He demanded. "Cathy didn't cheat." He said, his face still bored even though his eyes showed amusement. Emmett scoffed at Jasper, offended that his brother would lie.

"Happy wife, happy life." Jasper mumbled softly, knowing the whole car heard him. "Jasper!" Catherine said in a fake offended tone. A surprised smile on her face. "So you did cheat!" Emmett yelled. Catherine just smugly smiled.

"Thanks for ratting me out." Catherine leaned forward so her face was inbetween Rosalie's and Jaspers seats.

"Well I'm sorry ma'am." Jasper says in that beautiul southern accent.

"Apology accepted." She grinned and leaned in to kiss him. She was interrupted by Rosalie yelling. "Not in my goddamn car! Keep your claws to yourself."

"What if Jasper and I stick out heads out of the car? Can we kiss then?" Catherine asked as she sat back in her seat. She winked at Jasper, who had turned in his seat to look at her. He winked back and grinned at her.

"If you do that I will drive by a tree and behead you both." Rosalie warned.

"Aww. Cheer up babe." Emmett tried to cheer his wife up. Happy wife, happy life. But she was not having it. She just pointed her middle finger at him, not even bothering to stop looking at the road. Only Jasper noticed her trying to force her smile away.

"Yeah, cheer up, buttercup." Catherine chimed in. Emmett looked at her for a second before he burst out laughing. He quickly shut up when Rosalie turned around to glare at him. Jasper was chuckling, trying his best to hide it from his scary twin. Rosalie threw a very creative insult towards Catherine before also smiling.

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