Chapter 50

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November, 2006, Cullen Residence

Renesmee's growth rate was fast, too fast. She already looked like a seven-year-old even though she was a little over a month old. All of the Cullens were worried about how log we would have with her, if she would keep growing so rapidly until she was elderly.

Bella and Edward were sick with worry, spending hours at a time doing research about what Renesmee could possibly be.

Every single time Renesmee had to be pulled away from her playing to get measured by grandpa Carlisle, Bella's face seemed to get slightly paler as she noted her daughter's growth.

They all tried to enjoy as much time as they could with Renesmee, just in case.

Emmett and Oliver had been trying to teach Renesmee sports, even though she still looked like a seven-year-old. She was strangely good at it though, even if it bored her to death. She did really enjoy playing Mario Kart with her uncle Emmett and uncle Oliver, but that was mostly since they always let her win.

Alice basically treated the child like a doll most of the time, dressing her up in cute dresses, spending thousands of dollars on clothes she would outgrow in a day or two. Renesmee enjoyed dressing up, often doing little fashion shows for all her aunts, uncles, parents and grandparents. She was just an adorable kid.

Rosalie would do everything with the child. She often tried to use Renesmee to fill the void that had been left by her previous fiance. Rosalie absolutely adored Renesmee, giving her baths, taking walks with her, teaching her things, gardening. Renesmee had taken a liking to gardening, so she and Rosalie would plant flowers and vegetables (that Nessie would later eat herself).

Jasper had taken a very out-of-character liking towards Renesmee. They were so cute together. Jasper read her to sleep almost every night, he taught her how to control her powers, they often just sat on the floor in the living room together, talking or doing mind games. It made Catherine's unbeating heart race everytime she was them together.

Catherine played a lot of games with her niece, often sitting in front of each other on the couch for hours on end. She also taught Renesmee how to dance. She would put on some jazz music, Renesmee would stand on her feet and they would shuffle around the livingroom together. Jasper was always staring at his wife with adoration in his eyes whenever she did that. Catherine also taught Renesmee how to sew, they were now working on her Halloween costume. Renesmee would sit on her lap, Catherine would do most of the work.

One fine evenig towards the ending of October. Catherine and Jasper were in their room together. Jasper was changing into some more comfortable clothes. Catherine was braiding her hair in her vanity mirror, taking occasional glances at her shirtless husband as he picked out a sweater to wear.

"Honey, why don't you just stay shirtless?" Catherine looked away from Jasper so he wouldn't notice the smug grin plastered on her face.

Jasper laughed, throwing his head back and putting back the sweater he had picked out. "If you say so, milady," he stalked over to where she was sitting.

Catherine raised her head so she was looking up at him. Jasper cupped her cheeks with a soft laugh before kissing her forehead.

"I can look inside of your shirt at this angle," Jasper whispered, Catherine noticed his eyes averting. She was wearing a loose, purple tanktop that indeed gave him a view.

Catherine stood up from her chair so she was facing Jasper. She placed her hands on his bare chest and grinned up at him. "I've never heard you complain about that before," she retorted with a small smile.

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