Chapter 41

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August, 2006, Cullen Residence

Catherine was sitting at her vanity table, running a silver hairbrush through her wet hair with a hint of a smile. A dusty, old record played some classical music in the background.

Catherine softly hummed along with the music as it filled the room nicely. She was in only a bathrobe after coming out of the shower. She tried her best to ignore the scolding burn in the back of her throat due to the hunger, but it was becoming difficult.

Jasper slowly opened the door upon hearing his wife's soft humming. He was passing the room when the sweet melody of her voice entered his ears.

Catherine met his eyes through the mirror, a smile stretched onto her lips and her eyes lit up in an instant. The look of pure love in their eyes was unmistakable as Jasper approached his wife and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Good evening, my love," Jasper softly mumbled as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. He kept his head next to hers as he watched her through the mirror. She giggled and leaned into his touch. "Hey, Jas," Catherine took his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"You look... beautifully breathtaking, darlin'," he kissed her cheek inbetween every word he said, a blush would've been evident on her face if she was able to. "Why thank you, handsome," she turned her head towards him and pressed her lips against his.

He chuckled against her lips, a grin evident on his face as he smoothly kissed his wife. His hand slowly slid from her shoulder to her waist as he softly squeezed her clothed skin. His teeth softly nipped at her lip, requesting for her to open them for him. Catherine softly giggled and obeyed in an eyeblink, her lips opened and allowed his tongue to enter.

She cupped his jaw as the kiss grew hungrier, thank god she wasn't wearing lipstick. Jasper pushed against her slightly as he tried to get as close to her as he possibly could. Catherine giggled against his lips as she stood up so he could hold her body against his.

Jasper, instead, sat down on her vanity chair and quickly grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down. "C'mere," he mumbled as he pulled her down onto his lap so their lips could meet again.

Her eyes closed as one of her hands moved to the back of his head to bury in his blonde hair, while the other rested on his shoulder. She slowly breathed in the delicious mix of her husband's cologne and the smell of forest that came from him.

The music in the background continued playing softly as her fingernails dug into his shoulder. His hands ran up and down her back as he tried to cover as much skin as he could. The kiss was hungry, lustful, almost aggressive. They had been deprived from each other's touch for too long. The need to feel one another for the rest of eternity was large. They never wanted to stop. They wanted to stay there, lips locked, eyes closed, breathing in each other's scents for as long as possible.

He pulled her in by her hips, pulling her body flush to his. Chest-to-chest, lips against lips, hands exploring each other.

Jasper drowned in the feeling of her hands on the sides of his neck, the soft moans that escaped her lips and traveled to his, the smell of her flowery perfume that penetrated his nostrils oh-so-perfectly.

His fingertips grazed her waist before slowly moving up the side of her breasts, her collarbone, her shoulder, her neck, and then jaw. His lips left hers only slightly, grazing over hers as they eyes opened again. Catherine's pupils were enormous due to the adrenaline, her breathing had picked up and a smile grew on her face.

Jasper stared at Catherine with a look that could only be described as one of complete worshipping. His thumb reached out and softly grazed over her bottom lip. Her lips turned upwards into an entrancing grin as she winked at him. She bit his thumb with a cheeky giggle, not harshly, just jokingly.

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