Chapter 28

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June 14th, 2006, Cullen Redidence

"Jasper?" Catherine called out as she stood in the kitchen. In the blink of an eye Jasper was at her side. His hair was a bit tousled as he had ran to her. He placed one of his hands on her waist. "What do you need?" Jasper asked his wife.

Catherine turned to the kitchen counter and picked up the recipe that was scrabbled on a little piece of paper. "Do you know if we have flour in the house?" Catherine questioned while turning to him again. He shrugged. "I'm not sure, it's not like we have a way to use it."

"Esme uses it to bake for Bella every once in a while." Catherine said as she stood on a chair to reach the top cabinets. "Can you help me look?" She asked him as she jumped down from the chair. Jasper nodded and opened a few cabinets to look around.

"I can't find it. I think we're out." He shrugged as she opened the last cabinet.

Catherine sighed and leaned against the counter, back facing Jasper. "What do you need flour for?" He asked as he placed a hand on her waist. "I'm making waffles for Bella." She explained as she buried her hands in her hair. Jasper moved his hand from her waist to her hip. "Why are you making waffles for Bella?" He asked as he sat next to her on the counter.

"Because we're going hunting tonight to power up for the battle, Edward and Bella are having a night alone here. I know Edward can't cook to save his life, Bella told me herself, so I'm making waffles so she doesn't starve! But I can't find any goddamn flour so if the newborns don't kill her, she'll die of starvation." Catherine ranted, her voice was slightly muffled because her head was in her hands.

"She'll be fine." Jasper shrugged and jumped off the counter, he didn't forget to send her a wave of calm. She had no reaction but a groan as she banged her head on the counter. "You could always just... not make waffles." Jasper simply stated as he stood behind Catherine. His hands found their way to her hips and he pulled her closer to him. "You could do something else with me?" He lowly said as his thumbs rubbed her hips. He felt her mood change from sad to happy.

Jasper could hear Catherine softly giggling before raising her head. "As much as I love that idea, I just kinda wanna bake something?" She hesitantly smiled and placed her hands on his chest. Jasper hummed in dissapointment before grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.

Jasper smiled down at her before moving his left hand to take hers. "I'll go to the store to get flour for you and then you can make your waffles." He smiled as he and intertwined their fingers. A bright grin grew on Catherine's face as she placed her hands on his cheeks and collided their lips.

"Thank you, Jasper, you're a sweetheart." She thanked him while squishing his cheeks together. She gave him another long kiss with a loud "mwah" sound.

"It's okay, you know I love doing things for you." He reassured while rubbing her back. "Besides I know you love it when I do things for you." He cheekily smiled and kissed her cheek. Catherine playfully rolled her eyes before breaking out of his hold.

"Thank you, honey, I really do appreciate it." She handed him his keys with a smile before standing on her tippy-toes to press a kiss on his cheek.

As her lips were still attached to his cheek, they were interrupted by two voices. "Isn't that cute, Oliver? Two domestic little vampires living their best lifes." They turned to see Emmett and Oliver standing in the doorway. Their brothers were leaning against each other as they teased the couple.

"It's absolutely adorable. Don't you just wanna squeeze their cheeks together?" Oliver cooed as he placed a hand on his chest. Jasper rolled his eyes, he didn't let go of Catherine's waist as he asked their brothers. "What do you want?"

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