Chapter 22

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June 11th, 2006, Cullen Residence

"Everyone, in the living room!" Was the only thing Catherine yelled as she sat next to her husband on the couch. She was giddy, giggling and unable to sit still.

When the Cullens all gathered in the living room, all the children with annoyed faces, Catherine stood up.

"So, I'm sure you all know what day it is!" Catherine jumped up and down a few times while the others groaned and sighed. Catherine stood on the coffee table and turned to her siblings. "So today-" She was cut off by Carlisle saying. "Get off the coffee table, Catherine."

Catherine just giggled and her eyes sarcastically widened. "Oee, full name, I'm so scared. Anyway!" Everyone groaned again. "As you all know, today is the day that I, yet again, prove you suckers that I'm better than you." She jumped off the coffee table and stood in front of Emmett.

"Emmett, darling, could you tell me how I'll prove it?" She tapped his nose and innocently smiled at him. When Emmett said something incoherently, Catherine leaned forward and tapped her ear. "I'm sorry, Emmett, I didn't hear you. Could you speak up?"

Emmett glared at Catherine before he mumbled. "Because today you are graduating again and you wanna rub in our faces that you have more graduation caps than us."

Catherine stood straight again before she patted his head and turned to her other siblings. "Little Emmett is right. I am better than all of you. And today is one of the many ways I can prove that." She proudly sat down on the coffee table and pointed at Edward.

"After today, I will have three more caps than Edward. Edward, how does it feel to be so close yet so far to being better than me?" She 'innocently' said while leaning her head to the side. Edward stared her straight in the eyes. He didn't give her the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of him. "Eddie?" She raised an eyebrow with a grin.

"Feels great." Was the only thing he said before rolling his eyes and slouching on the couch with a sigh. Catherine smiled in satisfaction and turned to Rosalie. "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I'll have four more than you." Catherine teasingly caressed Rosalie's cheek, the blonde angrily swatted her hand away. "I'm gonna kill you, Catherine Elizabeth Cullen." She snarled at Catherine before leaning her head on her hand while her elbow rested on the arm of the couch. Emmett patted her arm soothingly, eventhough he didn't look very soothed himself.

Catherine ignored her sister's comment and straightened up again. "I'll have five more than Alice, Oliver and Jasper." She continued, unbothered by the angry stares. "Hey, Jasper, honey, are you proud of your amazing wife?" She leaned forward so she was face-to-face with her husband. Jasper's only response was an eyeroll. "That's what I thought." She sat next to Jasper on the arm of the couch.

"Hey, Esme, do you wanna know what I absolutely love?" She asked her mother while her husband and siblings angrily glared at her. "What is it, honey?" Esme laughed, she and Carlisle were extremely amused by their adoptive daughter's antics. Catherine stood up again and stalked towards her oldest brother. Her face was close to his as she sat on the coffee table again. She smirked at him while he scowled.

"I have a whopping seven more graduation caps than little wittle Emmy." She patted his cheeks before getting up. "Hey, Emmett?" She smiled at her older brother. He rolled his eyes before saying. "What?" Through gritted teeth.

"You suck." She giggled and skipped out of the room. She descended through the hallway as her family watched her. They witnessed Catherine jump up and down while cheering. "I'm graduating! You guys suck!" The children all scowled while the parents chuckled softly.

Esme stood up after patting her husband's leg. "Why don't you guys go and get ready? We have to leave in an hour." She smiled and straightened out her pencil skirt before walking in the kitchen.

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