Chapter 18

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June 7th, 2006, Cullen Residence

"Morning, Esme." Catherine smiled as she walked in the kitchen. Esme was making pancakes, ever since Bella had officially became part of the family, their mother had been baking a lot. She knew that it wouldn't go to waste since the mortal loved Esme's cooking.

"Morning, sweetie." Esme said with a smile as she flipped a pancake. "You going to school today?" She asked while glancing at her cookbook. "Yes, Jasper's driving us." Catherine responded with a grin. "It smells good." She commented, gesturing towards the food.

"Thank you, honey. Could you take it with you to school and give it to Bella, please?" Esme responded while putting the pancakes in a plastic container. "Of course." Catherine answered while taking the container and putting it in her bag. "We have to go, I'll see you this afternoon. Bye Esme." Catherine said before walking towards the stairs. "Bye, honey, have fun!" Esme yelled after her.

"Thank you! Jasper we have to go!" The brunette shouted up the stairs. When she didn't get a response she yelled again. "Jasper!"

"I'm almost done!" She heard him yell from upstairs. "Hurry, we'll be late!" She yelled back while tapping her foot on the ground. "Stop yelling!" Rosalie suddenly yelled from her room. "You stop yelling!" Jasper called back. "All of you stop yelling!" Esme yelled while standing next to Catherine with a spatula in hand. "Jasper!" Catherine called up the stairs again.

"Take it easy, okay? I'm ready. Just take it easy." Jasper said while walking down the stairs, he held his hands up in defense. "Finally, some peace." Rosalie called from her room. "Shut up, Rosalie!" Jasper and Catherine yelled at the same time, the only response they got was Rosalie laughing.

"Come on, Jas." Catherine pulled Jasper outside with her by the arm. "We're gonna be damn late." She mumbled under her breath. "We won't be late, darlin'." He reassured while kissing her cheek from behind, she cracked a smile and grabbed his hand.

He opened the door for her, helping her in the car with a hand on her back. He ran around the car and got in too, immediately grabbing her hand.

Jasper drove off while his wife flipped through the cd's he had stashed in their car. "Which one do you want to listen to?" She asked with the box on her lap.

"You choose." He responded before kissing her hand. Her smile widened as she admired him for a moment before turning back to the music. "How about this one?" she asked as she held up the CD. "That's good, honey." He replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

When they arrived at school, they were in fact not late. Jasper helped Catherine out of the car and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I told you we wouldn't be late." He whispered in her hair before kissing her head. She rolled her eyes and nudged him before she wrapped her arm around his waist with a smile.

"Morning, Catherine!" Catherine heard none other than her sister exclaim. Alice ran up to the couple and hugged her sister tightly. "Hey, Alice." Catherine grunted slightly when Alice squeezed her. "We have to get to biology, bye guys!" Alice exclaimed, waving at her husband and brother before pulling her sister with her.

"Well, do you want to have a classy party? Or a trashy one?" Catherine asked, she and Alice were walking towards lunch while Alice told her sister about the party she was throwing. "I want a trashy, teenager party. It'll be so much fun!" Alice exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Doesn't sound fun." A voice said from behind them. They turned around to find their husbands standing there, Oliver being the one to complain. "It'll be fun!" Alice exclaimed while taking Oliver's hand. "We can celebrate graduating." She added with a smile. "If you're happy, I'm happy." He said while kissing her cheek.

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