Chapter 42

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September 11th, 2006, Cullen Residence

"Be careful," Catherine said as she tightly embraced Esme. Esme, Carlisle and Emmett were getting ready to go hunt.

It was a risk, especially because they could be ripped to shreds by wolves, but they had to gain strength for when Bella gave birth.

Rosalie was currently tightly embracing her husband, since he would be coming with their parents to protect them.

Alice was off to the side, sitting next to Bella with a worried frown etched on her face.

After they had left, the remaining vampires gathered in the living room to keep an eye on Bella. Edward was just in the other room to get Bella the last of the remaining blood.

Alice and Rosalie were directly next to Bella, both holding one of her hands as Rosalie tried to persuade Bella to choose a different name for her baby.

Catherine had to admit, the name was one of a kind, but not precisely in a good way. She was sat sideways on Jasper's lap as they listened to Rosalie complain about the name.

"Can't you choose something a little more classic?" Rosalie asked as she gently rubbed over Bella's stomach. Bella just chuckled and shook her head again.

Edward entered the living room along with Jacob. Catherine sat up and turned to Edward. Edward nodded at the question she had asked in her mind; did they make it out alive?

"They're all fine, they'll be back in around half an hour," Edward confirmed to everyine as Jacob approached Bella.

Rosalie and Alice helped Bella up so she could stand face-to-face to her husband and Jacob. Bella greeted them with a soft smile.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked Jacob with a concerned glance. Jacob nodded and smiled slightly. "Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon."

Bella sighed and sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"This is pretty important, Bella," Rosalie reminded Bella as she pushed some hairs behind her ear. "Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?"

"What now?" Jacob turned to Edward in confusion. Edward fondly smiled before chuckling as he read Catherine and Rosalie's minds. "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names. Catherine is making sarcastic jokes about them." He stated with a fond smile.

"They hate them," Bella commented with a small smile. Jacob made a face and raised an eyebrow, "well, then I'm on your side no matter what you picked," he said.

"They're not that bad," Bella complained as she turned to Rosalie again.

"If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob," she explained as she smiled at her husband.

Catherine fondly smiled and leaned her head on Jasper's shoulder. "That one's not completely awful. The girl name reminds me of a certain Disney movie with a cooking rat!" Catherine defended her morals with a sheepish smile.

"Why don't you tell him the girl's name?" Rosalie cooed as she nudged Bella gently.

Bella looked down towards the ground as she placed a hand on her stomach. "I was playing around with our mom's names. Renée and Esme," Bella started as she raised her head to look at Jacob again.

"And I was thinking... Renesmee?" Bella finished with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

Jacob raised his eyebrows in surprise and slight disgust. "Renesmee," he said, trying out the name on his tongue.

Edward started laughing from behind the wolf. "Too weird?" Bella asked with a sheepish chuckle.

"No, that's not too weird," Edward quickly reassured his wife. "It's beautiful," he added with a nod. "And unique, which certaintly fits the situation."

Devotion, Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now