Chapter 20

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June 9th, 2006, Cullen residence

Catherine heard her bedroom door open before hearing a voice with a southern accent say. "Hey there gorgeous." She saw her husband walking in through the mirror she was brushing her hair in. He smiled at her while placing his keys on his nightstand.

"Hey honey, how was the hunt?" She smiled at him, not turning around but seeing him in the mirror. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. "It was good." He responded while leaning down and resting his chin on her shoulder. "You weren't there." He whispered against the crook of her neck. They stared at each other through the mirror and she rested her head against his.

"That's true." She nodded and kissed his blond hair. She sighed contently while smiling at him through the mirror. He moved her hair off her shoulder before pressing a kiss on the crook of her neck. "I caught 5 deer, way more than Emmett did." He bragged while lifting his head from her chin, she turned around to face him. "That's good." She praised while placing her hand on his cheek. "I also left one outside for you, for when you decide that you actually are hungry." He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

"That's nice of you." She got on her toes and peppered a few kisses on his cheek before pecking his lips again. "I appreciate it." She said before kissing his cheek one more time. She helped him take off his coat, not breaking eye contact. She threw it on the ground while he stepped out of his boots. He kicked them away before grabbing her waist and pulling her a little closer.

"I really missed you." He whispered in her ear while she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You always look so attractive while hunting." He stated while pressing a long kiss on the side of her mouth. She grinned and kissed him. "Thank you, darling." She smiled against his lips. "I love you." He reassured while kissing her cheek again. "I love you too." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

Catherine's hands moved down from his neck to his chest, gathering some of the fabric in her hands before pulling it so he was closer. Jasper's large hands cupped her cheeks as he pulled her closer. She walked forward, pushing him to walk backwards, and then she pushed him against one of their bookcases.

In response to that, Jasper walked forwards, making her walk backwards and pushed Catherine down on their bed, his hands holding her hips down against the mattress. His lips were all over her neck, cheeks, jaw and lips, trying to cover as much skin possible. He was whispering sweet nothings against her pale skin, a large grin on his face.

"I love you so much." He whispered in her ear, his hands moved up from her hips to cup her face before he pressed his lips against hers again. She giggled and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

"I love you too." She had a similair grin on her face while she sat up. She changed their position, hovering above Jasper's lap instead, her knees placed on either side of his hips. Jasper ran his hand through his hair to get it out of his face before leaning up and kissing her again. She pulled him closer to her as one of her hands ran through his hair.

His hands caressed her hips softly before his grip tightened and he pulled her closer to him, making her gasp. His lips slowly trailed kisses to her jaw before she stopped him. "Jas." She whispered while pulling away slightly, he had a worried look as he softly carressed her waist. "Did I do something? Are you okay?" He immediately asked while looking up at her. She grinned and nodded her head yes. "You're so sweet, I'm fine, you are absolutely perfect." She stroked some hairs out of his face.

"Then what's wrong?" He mumbled, she had an entrancing smile on her face as she leaned down, her lips next to his ear. "I want tonight to be about you. See it as a thank you for bringing a deer home for me" She whispered before her tounge darted out. She teasingly licked his ear. She heard his breath shake slightly while his hand moved to her back, slowly sliding underneath her shirt. "You don't have to thank me like this if you don't want to." He stated in a whisper. "I wanna." She reassured.

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