Chapter 44

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September 13th, 2006, Cullen Residence

"She's so beautiful, isn't she?" Catherine asked Jasper with a loving smile as she stroked some of the soft hairs on Renesmee's little head.

The couple was sitting at the forest side next to the house together, Jasper had Renesmee in his arms, supporting her head with his hand.

Catherine was next to him, her arms wrapped around his as she stared at Renesmee's face. She loved to see her husband interacting with the little baby, it was one of the most attractive she had ever seen in her opinion.

"She really is," Jasper whispered as he leaned his head to rest against hers.

"I really want one of our own," she complained, squeezing his arm and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know, me too, but we know that's a little impossible," he replied as he ripped his eyes away from the baby to look at her. He softly kissed her forehead and smiled down at her.

"We could always just steal her and flee the country?" Jasper joked with a lopsided grin as he nudged her shoulder with his.

"I heard that!" They heard Edward shout from inside the house. Catherine laughed and threw her head back against the tree they were sitting at.

Jasper chuckled from next to her and wrapped one of his arms around his wife's shoulder, his other arm carefully supporting Renesmee.

"If we dissapear, don't look for us in France!" Jasper shouted back between laughter. Edward didn't seem amused.

Catherine laughed along with her husband and leaned her head on his shoulder. She reached out for Renesmee, taking the baby from Jasper and rocking her carefully in her arms.

"Yes, you're gorgeous, baby, yes you are, yes you are," Catherine cooed with a longing look in her eyes. Jasper rubbed her shoulder gently and leaned in to place a soft kiss on her head.

"With your beautiful eyes, your beautiful nose, your pretty lips- Ow!" Catherine was cut off when Renesmee bit her finger, the teeth that had started growing way too early digging into Catherine's stone-like skin.

"She just bit me!" Catherine yelled as she studied her finger. The cracks were already healing.

Edward came running outside, a worried expression etched on his face as he took his daughter from Catherine.

"You okay?" Jasper softly asked before placing a soft kiss on her finger. She just nodded and smiled at him.

"I didn't feel any venom," Catherine told her brother, who was studying his daughter's face with care. "Maybe it's the human part of her?"

"Probably..." Edward hesitantly replied.

"Why don't we give the two of you a minute?" Catherine smiled at her husband, who stood up and pulled her up by the hand, very gentlemanly.

Jasper intertwined their fingers and together they ran back to the house, leaving Edward with his baby.

Inside the house, Rosalie and Carlisle were playing chess, Esme watching and occasionally giving pointers, earning her a fond smile from Carlisle.

Emmett and Oliver were playing Mario Kart... of course. Emmett was winning whilst Oliver complained like a baby because he was losing.

Esme set in new rules, after three televisions and twelve vases broken it was needed. If Oliver or Emmett had a temper tantrum, they wouldn't be allowed to play for the next five months.

Oliver was struggling to contain himself, Catherine imagines him having steam coming out of his ears like a teapot.

Alice was drawing her latest vision, a meal, deer.

After winning against the wolves, the first thing the Cullens did was properly hunt. Catherine didn't have the scolding pain like someone was stinking a hot piece of metal down her throat anymore. The Cullens were all in better moods, less fighting (unless it's Mario Kart of course), less yelling and more peace and quiet.

Like the old days, except there was now a baby that Rosalie and Catherine could obsess over, a pack of wolf living outside their house, one of which sleeping on their couch, and a Bella transitioning in the room next door.

Besides that, everything was pretty much normal.

Catherine grinned and turned to place her hands on Jasper's chest, "I'm gonna go check on Bella, okay?" She asked as she looked up at him, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as he smiled down at her.

"Of course, I'll see if I can join Oliver and Emmett in their game," Jasper leaned down to press a soft kiss on her cheek, his nose brushing hers for a mere second as one of his hands slid to her waist.

"Win for me," Catherine grinned and winked, placing one of her hands softly on his shoulder.

"I always win," he cockily replied, pressing a kiss on her forehead before walking off towards the couch, winking at her as she passed him.

Catherine shook her head and chuckled at her husband as she entered the room used for Bella's transitioning.

She stared with envy of how still Bella was laying as she closed the door behind her and stood next to Bella.

Bella was so still, so unmoving, showing no signs of pain. Not even the slightest.

The women in the family cleaned Bella, dressed her, did her hair, so she would look acceptable as she woke up.

Her hair had gotten its old color back, her chest had sprung up after her ribs healed, her face had filled in. She actually looked healthy now. She was already beginning to look like a vampire, her skin pale, her hands bonier.

Catherine remembered the transitions of most of her family members, they weren't as smooth.

Esme was screaming non-stop until the eventually lost her voice, only raspy breathing coming out of her the last day.  She was continuisly calling out her son's name, breaking both Catherine's and Carlisle's hearts.

Rosalie kept screaming to make it stop, trashing around and sobbing loudly as she transitioned in a thing she never wanted to be.

Emmett was the most quiet transitioning Catherine had even seen in her very long years on this earth. He kept mumbling things like "help" and "stop" and occasionally he screamed, but he was pretty quiet.

Edward squirmed a lot, he actually took a chunk out of Catherine's foot as he kicked and trashed around. Luckily for Edward it grew back.

Catheribe couldn't remember her own transitioning. She remembered extreme pain, coming wave after wave, each one worse than the last. She remembered the agonizing burn all over her body, screaming at her to make it stop. She remembered waking up with a burn in the back of her throat. She remembered seeing everything so clearly, like she was looking at it under a magnifying glass. She remembered hunting for the first time, the feeling of human blood running down her throat.

Catherine quickly shook off the throught, a shudder shaking through her.

Bella looked so still, as if she wasn't even in any pain. It was almost scary and frankly a bit unfair. Catherine would've wanted what Bella has.

A baby, a non-painful transition.

But, oh well, it's not like we can decide our fate. Catherine was overal pretty satisfied with her little life.

Her pretty husband, who she could hear yelling at Emmett in the other room. Also a niece now. Catherine always loved babies, but was never able to have one.

Life sometimes just chooses different things for you.

A/N: This chapter is a bit rushed, and a bit short. I'm really sorry about that. School has just been hell and I haven't really had any time to write.

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