PART 1: Uruk - Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov

Finger pulls the trigger.

Gunshot fires out of the black muzzle.

Blood spatters on the wall.

'Y/n, listen carefully. Never go back to Seoul. Whatever happens, stay here. Never go back.'

'Dr. Han!' Your head jolts up, snapping you out of your flashback before you look towards the source of the sound. 'I think you should see this patient.' Nurse Choi says apologetically at you, and you make your way towards the patient on the bed.

'He came into the ER like this.' Nurse Choi says as you check the chart, the teenage patient groans on the bed. You see his broken arm and leg, tied with a bunch of plushies around his injuries.

'Run the X-ray test.' You say to Nurse Choi, her nodding as she lets the others roll the patient out from the ER into the test room.

'And I think this is his.' Nurse Choi says, giving you the patient's phone. You look up at her, taking the phone. She only bows, scurrying away towards the X-ray room before you are called to another patient in the meantime.

'He- he fell on from the chair, and-' the young mum says with tears on her face holding her wailing child with a tiny scratch on his forehead.

'Did he bleed? He doesn't look like so.' You ask the mother, her stopping to cry and looking at your hand applying some ointment on the scratch.

'Most of the time the ER proritises urgent patients so you would have to wait hours to get seen for wounds of this level. I would say you should get basic medical supplies and do this at home.' you say, the nurse next to you nervously eyeing the mother and you. As you are speaking, you feel slightly guilty seeing the mother's concerned face as she strokes the little boy's back, but you are already tired from looking after multiple patients on the verge of death from the accidents at the construction site, having stayed up all night in the operation room. And on those days, patients coming to the ER for the tiniest problems did wear you down even more.

'It's not going to scar?' The mother asks, and you nod before letting the nurse lead them away.

'Dr. Han, the X-ray results are out.' Before you can take a breath, you hear Nurse Choi call you, the patient still groaning as he's rolled out of the corridor back to the ER. Taking the pictures, you see the location of his bones where they are broken.

'We'll put him on a cast.' You say, Nurse Choi nodding and going off to prepare the cast for his arm and leg.

'What is this now?' You hear Mo Yeon say from behind, looking at the X-ray results over your shoulder. 'A thief? What did you steal?' She says as she steps towards the patient, holding up his arm as he flinches reading the words written on his skin. Nurse Choi brings the cast and bandages, and you take his broken leg and place the stiff cast under it.

'You shouldn't be moving this leg for the next month. No physical activity including running and extensive walking.' You tell the patient although you doubt he was listening to you as he talks about him being fine.

'If you don't listen, you could damage the bones further and even the tissues around it. The worst case being you won't be able to use your leg anymore.' You say, the teenage boy finally falling silent.

'Ya, don't scare him.' Mo Yeon says at your indifferent face, wrapping the cast with the bandages.

'It's a fact and it's my job to let you know what happens if things go wrong.' You say to the patient looking between the two of you, you taking his arm and preparing the cast for it as well.

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