Chapter 7

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Y/n's pov

You carry on giving shots to the soldiers until you hear the loud sound of a car crashing into something outside. The other staff also stands up as the siren rings, the soldiers getting into their position and making their way outside. 

Following the soldiers outside, you see a car, and two men in UN shirts holding their arms up as the soldiers get nearer, checking the car despite the men defending themselves by saying that they are from the UN. You step backward as you see Sergeant Seo toss out boxes of drugs and guns from a box loaded on the car, the man quickly reaches his hand into another box inside the car, pointing the gun at the soldiers. 

Shi Jin's pov

Twisting the arm of the man in the UN shirt, I take the gun away from him as he loses his grip on the trigger. He yelps as I force him onto the ground, pressing my knee on his back.

The gun skids on the ground, the dust rising into the air as it stops in front of Dr. Han. I see her eyes fixated on the dark muzzle, her expression stiffening with her fingers digging into her palm.

'Stand up.' I hear Daeyoung's voice from the other side, the other man in his grip also in handcuffs. He obeys, Daeyoung looking over to me as I stand back up onto my feet as well and pull the man in the UN shirt along with me. 

I walk past Dr. Han glaring at the gun on the ground, her straining her eyes until they water. The man in the UN shirt in my hand stares at her, as I push him past, Dr. Han ignoring the two men, frozen on the ground. 

Y/n's pov

Chills travel down your spine as you see the black gun skid in front of you, your eyes growing fixated on the muzzle. You try to pull your gaze away from it, only the painful flashbacks of the scene flooding back at once. Straining your eyes, you feel their water as if you were in the scene, hearing the blurred screams and firing of the gunshots in your ears. 

The blinding fire shoots out of the dark abyss of the muzzle on the ground, smoke in the air hot like fire, people screaming as the blood spatters on the wall.  

Hearing the footsteps beside you, you snap out of your visions, feeling Captain Yoo's gaze on you for a few seconds. He only walks past you with the man in handcuffs, the man staring at you as he passes. 

You question whether your brother really sent you to Uruk for medical volunteering while he cleans up the mess you made for him. 


'There is no connection or wifi here for civilian use. It's not ideal, but you would have to go to the internet cafe.' You look up, Captain Yoo staring down at you as you try to call Han Seok Won in the dining hall under the fan slowly turning on the ceiling. 

'Where is that?' You ask, turning the screen off as you feel Captain Yoo's gaze linger on it for a bit too long. 

'I'm on my way there. I can drive you.' He replies, taking a seat on the table in front of you. 'But only if you tell me why you're trying to call him.' He says, pointing at your phone as you shove it in your pocket. 

'....' Captain Yoo only watches you intently as you stay silent, not moving an inch, unlike your expectation that he would stop questioning about your unpleasant family life. 

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