Chapter 10

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Shi Jin's pov

'I'll be fine. You're just doing what you're supposed to.' I say, Daeyoung looking guilty as I'm contained in the supplies room, a wall of mosquito repellants on the shelves. The commander had decided that I be kept here for not following orders yesterday with the incident with the Arab League's chairman. 

'Dan-gyeol! Come back out safely soon.' He says, saluting at me before I pat his shoulder. 

'But...can I talk to Dr. Han for a minute? I have something I need to say.' I ask, him lowering his hand from his temple. 

'I'll see.' He replies, giving me one more look before he leaves. 

Y/n's pov

[past, 5 years ago]

'Eomma! I'm back.' You say happily as you enter through the large garden, opening the door to your house after finishing work early at the hospital.

'We made dinner. Come here quick.' Your mother says as you put your coat on the hanger on the wall, following her through the long corridor to the dinner table. You smile at Mr. Lee already at the table. He greets you as you take a seat in front of him, handing you a fork and knife.

'How was today? Busy as always?' He asks, watching you almost inhale the pasta your mother made. You nod, gladly taking the cup of juice he hands to you.

'You must have skipped your meal again. I told you to bring some fruits so you can have it in between.' Your mum says as she takes a seat next to Mr. Lee, pouring some water into your cup.

'I just had it back to back since the morning.' You say, referring to how people were coming in from a gang fight, making you run from surgery to surgery in the ER. 'Why aren't you eating?' You ask, seeing Mr. Lee and your mother's food remaining untouched.

'We have a present for you.' Your mother says, Mr. Lee taking out a carefully wrapped box.

'It's your birthday.' He says, and you put your fork down, reaching over to take the box.

'I forgot about that.' You say bitterly, the two only smiling as you happily undo the red ribbon on the small rectangular black box. Opening the lid, you see a fountain pen with a sleek black surface, and gold linings around the lid.

'Thank you. It'll make my writing look better.' You say, remembering the interns whining that your handwriting was impossible to read sometimes, looking up at the two watching you proudly. You excitedly uncap the pen, inspecting its sharp, intricate tip.

'It's not just any pen. It's a recording device. It captures voices and even footage of your surroundings.' Mr Lee says, pointing at the tiny button on the side of the fountain pen. You press it hesitantly, a memory card popping out from it, its matt black coating making the gold lines stand out. Putting it back in, you see a small red light beep once, starting to record.

'Make sure to keep it with you wherever you go. It's for your safety.' Your mother says, her smile hiding something underneath.

'Is everything okay?' you ask seeing her expression, the ominous undertone in her face disappearing in an instant as she grins.

'Of course. We're just worried for you since you work until late most days.' Mr. Lee says, urging you to finish your dinner as the two finally take their forks from the table. 


Why didn't you see it?

You shouldn't have brushed it off like it was nothing.

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