Special episode 2

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Y/n's pov

You look up, Captain Yoo finally letting you go seeing the others groan holding their wounds. The guide shouts something at the people starting to stand up from their spots to help the injured to take shelter under the big hollow space on the other side.

'Come on, we have to help them.' You find Axel getting up from next to you, moving over to the people on the ground as the others support the injured man limping to the space where the guide showed. The guide points at the insides of the hollowed space, the people helping them to lay or sit on the ground. You look down at the path leading down the mountain where the landslide happened, turning your attention back as Axel calls you both again.

'Are you okay?' Captain Yoo asks as he stands up, holding his hand out to you.

'You don't look okay.' You reply, gazing over at the cut on his shoulder as you take his other hand and lift yourself up. 'You know that I have my own hands to cover myself, right?' You say, Captain Yoo glancing at his cut before he smiles bitterly.

'It's my occupational disease.' He replies jokingly, even though you give him a look. 'But I know you meant "I'm so worried about you and I'm sad you got wounded."' He adds even as you stare at him blankly. 'You know, what we said about you not expressing your feelings in the sweetest way.' He says, gesturing at you to help move the patients into the sheltered area.

'We're doctors. And he's a...soldier.' Axel says to the guide shouting for anyone in the medical field, the people's faces brightening up just a little as they look over to the three of you.

'I thought this would be my holiday, not extended ER work.' you say under your breath, glancing at people on the ground as you take the emergency box from the guide.

Shi Jin's pov

I watch Dr. Han press the bleeding wound on a woman's temple before changing out the cotton pad, muttering something at the teary woman. It had been a few hours, in which unfortunately the weather turned for the worse and started to give us a snowstorm on the mountain. Thankfully the cave-like structure of the sheltered area with tree trunks and huge rocks was solid enough to let us hide away from the snow, but it meant that the mountain rangers and paramedics could not fly here on the helicopters.

'That's everyone treated for now. We're running out of medical supplies. It's also getting colder for the night so it's not looking good.' Dr. Lee says as he comes to stand beside me as Dr. Han finally gets to stitch my cut.

'Yeah, no shit.' I say bluntly, his lips arching as he sits down next to me even as I give him a glance.

'I was asking for advice. You must have a lot of experience in desperate situations.' He replies, before lightening up suddenly before he even listens to what I have to say. 'I have some sandwiches I packed before I came up here. Anyone hungry?' He says brightly, dragging his bag across the ground as everyone's attention focuses on him.

'Yeah, no shit.' I repeat as the others praise him for the preparation to which I watch Dr. Lee happily take the compliment with a wave.

'He's so cocky. Why did you like him in the first place?' I ask Dr. Han still focused only on stitching the wound even as the whole thing unfolds, feeling the tug on my skin through painkillers.

'Your ego is almost bigger than his. So you're the one to ask.' She replies, to which I turn to glance at her even as she hisses at me to stay still.

'So it's a pattern. In your...dating life.' I ask, finally finding the leisure to tease her.

'Can we not talk about Axel being my ex? He's here because he broke up with his fiancee., not because of me.' She says, placing the plaster over the stitches.

'Oh yeah, he's here to see you because he got dumped.' I say jokingly again, feeling like the back of my head is being burned from Dr. Han glaring at me.

'Oo waan some?' I look up, seeing Dr. Lee holding out two pieces of sandwiches in his hands with his own piece in his mouth, the others already eating their portion.

'Give me that.' Dr. Han replies quickly, gladly accepting the bread filled with vegetables and egg. I reluctantly do the same as I feel my stomach rumble, Dr. Lee smiles triumphantly once again as he sits down beside Dr. Han.

'How many of them did you pack?' She asks, Dr. Lee gesturing at his head.

'I did the math. Hyung would probably eat like a hundred pieces since he's a soldier, and I know how much you like my sandwiches so I packed a lot.' He replies, Dr. Han slowly turning to block him out with her free hand.

'You like his sandwiches? And I do not eat like a pig just because I'm a soldier.' I say to Dr. Han before turning to Dr. Lee laughing out loud.

'Yeah, she used to come to our house when we were doing the biology summer project together just for the sandwiches even though we could have gone to any other cafe for one. Oh, she once got caught trying to peek over my mum's shoulder for the recipe.' He says, looking gleeful as he notices he got my attention with embarrassing stories of Dr. Han's high school past. Dr. Lee grins before yelping as I find Dr. Han pinching his arm with all her force.

'Shut up.' She says blandly, twisting the skin before he manages to pull away from her attack.

'Wait, what else?' I ask, ignoring Dr. Han raising her brow as she turns to me. 'I want to know too about your highschool years.' I say defensively, gesturing at him to carry on as I look past Dr. Han's irritated face.

'One time, she had to play dodgeball in P.E and-' he starts, only to be attacked by Dr. Han shoving her hand over his mouth as Dr. Lee struggles to stop laughing.

'If you tell him, I'm going to smother you in the snow.' She says, Dr. Lee wheezing after Dr. Han returns to her spot next to me.

'-she stepped on the ball that she was meant to dodge and fell. Landed right on the ball too and slid down.' Dr. Lee finishes speaking quickly before Dr. Han shoves him in the leg with her foot looking disgusted. I suppress my snort, Dr. Lee laughing loudly as the others who were secretly overhearing the story do the same before avoiding Dr. Han's glare.

'If you laugh, you're the same as him.' Dr. Han says, and I try to straighten my face. 'You, then you weren't that much of a great boyfriend if you found that funny.' She says again, flinging the sandwich wrapper at him.

'It was before we got together so it doesn't count.' he says blandly, flinging the wrapper right back at her.

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