Chapter 12

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Shi Jin's pov

Dr. Han goes to pay for the food, her insisting that she doesn't want to be in debt after I paid for the food last time. I look out at the scenery in front of the car, the sunlight falling onto the land as usual.

From the corner of my eyes, I see two men watching the restaurant, the same ones from the base with drugs and guns. I focus my eyes on them, staring back as they observe me.

I almost jump as Dr. Han silently comes up to me, her trying to open the car door but looking frustrated as it stays closed after she tugs on it.

'Are you not going to go?' She asks dryly, and I take my eyes off of the two, turning to face her squinting against the sunlight.

'Something at the army just came up. The internet cafe also rents out cars. Leave this one there and ask Daniel for a rent.' I say, her looking suspiciously at me. She gazes over to where I was looking for a second, her seeming to not find much. She silently gets into the car as I hand her the key, pulling out of the parking lot.

I watch her driving towards the shop before making my way toward the two gang members, resting my hand on the gun. They turn to me as I reach them, holding their hands up as I point the gun to their face.

'You're a soldier and you're threatening unarmed civilians?' One of them says, looking over at my hand holding the gun. I lower the gun, pull the trigger, and shoot the tire of a car. The two immediately take out their own guns, pointing at my head.

Y/n's pov

'Ella, it's good to see you again.' You get out of the car at the internet cafe, Daniel greeting you as he sees you from the shop. 'What brings you here?' He asks as you walk up to the entrance.

'Can I borrow a car?' You ask, Daniel nodding and pointing to the car next to the one you rode on the way here.

'But if you're free, would you like to have tea? We haven't talked properly in a while.' He suggests, and you nod, agreeing that it would be good for you to catch up. Not only because you also missed having your friends around, but also to keep them away from the business you were planning back in Korea. You bow your head to the woman, whom you later learned her name to be Ye Hwa-ssi as Daniel leads you into the shop.

'So, when did you go back to Korea?' He asks, Ye Hwa-ssi handing you a paper cup with a green tea bag inside before she leaves to organise the shelves.

'About four years ago. I missed living in Korea.' You lie, smiling as you sip the tea.

'I thought something happened because you just disappeared. But it's good to know that you're doing fine.' He says, drinking his own tea. 'I heard Miss Chun passed away. I'm sorry for your loss.' He says again, dropping his gaze to the ground as he sees your expression darken.

'I know. I miss the bakery. I wonder if it's still there.' You reply, changing the subject, holding your cup in your hands.

'Me too. If we ever get to visit New York, we should say hi to the lady if she still works there.' He says the comfortable silence returning before a sudden sound of gunfire interrupts the peace.

You look up towards the sound, starting to hear the piercing tinnitus in your ears despite the sound coming from a distance. Your sight becomes blurry mixing with Daniel's voice calling your name, the air feeling like it's stuck in your throat. Covering your ears, you try to block out the sound, the tinnitus growing louder inside as you strain your eyes to clear the blurriness. You feel someone's hands on your shoulders, and you try to make out the words in your ear, all of them mingling together into one.

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