Chapter 47

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CCTV footage 10022024s

[3:17 a.m]

The black car erupts in flames on Sung Soo bridge over the Han River, another grey car crashing into the black one's driver's seat in full force. The dark red blood spatters onto the broken windows, the shattering of glass blasting against the fire engulfing the black car. Despite the chaos, the grey car still accelerates against the black one until it cracks the guard rail of the bridge, pushing it into the dark cold water below.

The grey car drives away as another woman on the bridge screams as if her lungs would burst down at the black car disappearing into the river, the bloody glass shards falling after the debris from the bridge.

CCTV footage 10020247eux

[3:18 a.m]

Below the Sung Soo bridge, another car skids to a stop on the road, a man in a black jacket and trousers coming out running towards the river bank. He swiftly tosses his jacket aside, forcing his way into the water and taking a deep breath despite the cold of the winter. He fully throws himself into the water, his feet disappearing quickly into the dark river.

[3:20 a.m]

The man comes back up on the camera lens.

He pulls another figure out from the water to the riverside, grunting lowly from the extra weight of the water. The man places the unconscious figure down on the ground, pushing the wet hair sticking to the woman's face out of the way. Placing a finger under her nose, he checks her breathing before putting his hand together and pressing down on her chest.

'Please.' He whispers over and over as he tries CPR careful not to touch the huge glass shard stuck on the side of her torso. He winces seeing the doctor stay breathless, her lips turning purple from the cold. The man stops CPR, pushing the air into her lungs before resuming to press down her chest.

'Yoo.. Daewi-nim (*Captain)...?' The man looks up with wide eyes, caressing the doctor's cheeks as her eyelids flutter open. The doctor's confused eyes wander around, her breathing remaining shallow.

'Y/n-ah.' The man calls desperately, focusing her eyes on him as he tears up. The doctor stays silent for a few seconds before she flinches, her hand trembling as she takes his face in her fingers.

'Ajussi.' She whispers, forcing herself up to a sitting position despite the man trying to stop her from moving. 'Ajussi.' The doctor says again, her voice breaking as the tears stream down her face staring at the man's expression reflecting hers. She throws her arms around the man's neck, squeezing tight as the man pats her back calmly, burying his face into her shoulder. The man puts his dry jacket around the doctor, watching her with a concerned gaze as she shudders in the cold.

'Do you have anywhere you can go?' The man asks, regaining his composure, supporting the doctor's back with his arm. The doctor nods, the strands of her wet hair riding the winter breeze.

'Can you walk?' The man asks again as he helps her to her feet, the doctor wincing at the glass shard piercing her side. The man supports her bloody arms, almost carrying and laying her down in the back seat of his car. He gets into the driver's seat, driving away from the view of the camera lens.

Y/n's pov

'I thought you were dead.' You say breathlessly as Mr. Lee places you on the couch of your underground apartment, flinching at the glass shard still stabbing your side. He takes the medical box from the shelf you told him, putting it down next to you. 'I thought I lost you too.' You say again, Mr. Lee smiling bitterly with a guiltful gaze.

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