Chapter 22

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Shi Jin's pov

I gesture at the other alpha members to enter the room after Snoopy throws the grenade into the room, the smoke rising into the air as I focus my eye on the gun in my hands. The others follow me in, Argus and his gang coughing on the floor from the grenade. I watch Mr. Jin, the leader of the power plant restrained on the table, a knife next to him as he looks up at me as if to ask for help. 

'Today we only take the Korean criminal.' I order the others, focusing my gun on Argus holding his hands up away from Mr. Jin. The alpha members undo his shackles, pulling him up onto his feet. Focusing my eyes on Argus in front of me, I walk backward out of the building following the rest of the team. 

Y/n's pov

You sourly watch Mr. Jin once again on the patient bed, Captain Yoo having brought him to the medicube earlier. Mo Yeon and you figured that something was stabbing his organs, to which you had ordered an X-ray test to confirm your suspicions. 

'You! Do something!' He shouts at you as you take the X-ray test from Nurse Choi, giving him a glare before turning to examine the picture. You see small foreign bodies looking like diamonds in his gut, and you glance at him as he freezes for a second meeting your eyes.

'What did you swallow?' You ask, the man raising his eyebrows at your question. 'Diamonds?' You ask again, him avoiding your gaze as you step forward in the direction of his bed, looking around for staff busy with other patients. 

'I'm your attending physician. You have to tell me.' You say, looking down at him on the bed. 'Who were you smuggling them for?' You ask, Mr. Jin only shouting at you about not knowing what he ate. 

'So it was prepaid.' You say casually, tossing the X-ray picture to the side. 'I see my brother was in a rush. You're lucky. He never does prepayment in normal contracts.' You add, giving Mr. Jin a smile, watching him pale as you get closer to him. 

'But you know what happens if you're in a rush?' You say quietly, Mr. Jin trying to turn away from you on the bed. 'You get caught.' You whisper at him, taking his shoulders and putting him in a proper position. The blood oozes out from his mouth, and you call Nurse Choi over. 

'Prepare the OP room. He needs the foreign bodies removed now.' You say, Nurse Choi scurrying to the OP rooms. 


'You'll have to answer my questions really carefully, patient Jin. Because I'm your lead surgeon today.' You say as you wait for the others to arrive at the OP room, the quiet sound of the heart monitors the only thing interrupting your words. 

'That means I have the blade, not you.' You whisper at Mr. Jin's ear, him trembling on the patient bed as his eyes focus on your face next to his. 

'You- you do something to me here, I will-'

'Report me as medical malpractice? Those things can be easily dealt with by piling big money on top of it. Like your big brother does.' You say, Mr. Jin's face shaking as he glances at you.

'So who was it? Did my brother give you those diamonds to give to Argus?' You ask, moving away from his face, flashing the bright white light onto his eyes. He flinches, nodding frantically as you stare down at him in your scrub. 

'So that he can kill me, right? Well. Tell your big brother Han Seok Won that he can't beat me. Because Argus is not getting paid in this lifetime.' You say, Mr. Jin shaking as he whimpers, calling for other staff. 

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