Chapter 53

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Axel's pov

'You're too drunk.' I say as Ella stands up from the chair, swaying after we drank a few cans of beer already. She gets away from the table as I also get out of the chair to help her get to her room. 

'I'm fine.' Ella replies groggily as she squints her eyes trying to see the kitchen properly through the alcohol. I step forward as she takes a step, only to feel her fall onto me. 

I support her by her elbows, Ella's eyes almost closing slowly before she opens them back. I feel my throat gulp, watching her face inches away from mine, following her lashes move as she blinks trying to shake off the alcohol. She sways again trying to walk, almost falling before I catch her again by her waist. 

'...' I feel my heart beat faster, her scent and the smell of beer wafting closer as Ella stays still, her hazy eyes through the drunkness. My gaze shifts over to her lips, the shadows casting on the half of her face where the dim light of the lamp in the dark apartment doesn't reach. I slowly caress the back of her head, my vision cloudy through the effects of alcohol. Ella stays silent although her gaze is focused on the ground as I lean down toward her lips. 

'Yoo...Dae-wi-inm...' I stop as I feel Ella's shoulders shake, her turning her face away from me although she doesn't look like she registered everything. I stare at the teardrops forming on the bottom of her hazy eyes, her finally looking up at me with a teary gaze.

'Sorry.' I reply quietly, trying to shake off the alcohol. Ella only turns around, swaying to her sides as she walks towards her bedroom. I wonder if I should comfort her for whatever she is thinking about Captain Yoo, but I let her be, staring at her back and disappearing into the room before I get to mine. 

Y/n's pov

You open your eyes, feeling the headache from the beer last night along with your stomachache also from being hungover. Groaning, you roll to your side on the bed, wincing as you press into the wound on your side. Closing your eyes back, you pull the blanket higher on yourself, wondering why you let yourself get to this state given the entire situation above the ground. 

'...' You jolt up, remembering Axel's hand on your waist as he leaned toward your lips when you almost thought he was Captain Yoo from the heavy alcohol. You feel your mouth fall gaping, rubbing your lips with your hand multiple times as if it would make whatever you did last night go away. Swearing to yourself, you throw open the door to your room, walking outside to the kitchen. 

'Good morning.' Mr. Lee says, looking confused as you walk straight past him to Axel currently toasting two bread slices on the toaster. 

'Why did you do that?' You ask at his back, your voice sounding more tense. He turns around, his usual nonchalant expression staring back into your irritated one. 

'Did what?' He asks back as you feel Mr. Lee's eyes on you from behind at the table. 

'....' You only stare at Axel silently, unable to find any words to explain thinking he may have forgotten the events of last night from the alcohol. 

'I didn't kiss you, don't worry.' He says as his lips arch, turning back to take the bread slices popping up from the toaster. You hear Mr. Lee coughing into his milk cup from behind, staring at the both of you. 'You called for Captain Yoo, though. I wonder how he is like for you to miss him that much.' He says again, now pouring a glass of milk ignoring you watching his movement with an irritated look. 

Surveillance footage 20022024

The detectives rush into the woods behind the private villa of the Haesung's Chairman, one of them shouting something at the others including the Captain. He must have insisted that he comes along with the detectives despite it being a weekend day. The rest start sprinting faster toward the scene, pushing past the greens to get to whatever they are looking at. The detectives stop at a grey car, its insides burnt to a crisp with its side crushed to almost nothing. 

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