Chapter 35

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Shi Jin's pov

'I won't be coming back here tonight until a bit later than usual. I have something to get from the department store.' Dr. Han says as she enters with my dinner plate, setting up the table on the bed. 

What are you going to do?

I reach for the paper on the corner of the bedside table, write on the page, and hold it up to Dr. Han. She takes the pen and paper, scribbling her response. I watch her wearily as she writes something down, Dr. Han holding up the paper in front of me. 

Meet someone who can fix this.

'Do you want anything from the store? I can get some fruits for you.' She says as I write my response on the page. I hesitate whether to tell her not to do anything until she let me move around outside of the hospital ward, but I remember her telling me to trust her this time. 

'Maybe some shine muscat grapes.' I reply, handing the paper back into her hand. 

Call me if something happens. I'll be running out of here to get you.

'I'll do that.' She replies, gesturing at me to start eating as she walks over to the desk. Instead, I watch her reach down to the bottom of the desk, Dr. Han grabbing the bug still stuck underneath and pulling it out. She turns it off, the red beeping light disappearing from the bug.

'And don't worry. I am off work tomorrow so I'm going to be stuck to you the whole day.' She says, shoving the bug into her coat pocket. 

'I would like that.' I reply, Dr. Han timidly waving her hand to me and exiting the room. 

Y/n's pov

Y/n's pov

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(ootd + coat)

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(ootd + coat)

You see Lieutenant Park in front of the VIP room guarding with other soldiers, him glaring down at you as you walk out, closing the door behind you. Arching your lips, you give him an airy knowing smile on purpose, Lieutenant's eyes narrowing for a second before you walk away. 

[DOTS Y/n x Shi Jin] Always Beside YouWhere stories live. Discover now