『 Chapter 11 』

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"You should put it on the collar," Giancarlo said, detaching the pin from where she placed it and tucked it instead on the collar of the polo shirt she is wearing underneath.

"Why do you need to come to my room every now and then? I can find my way," she nagged as she suppressed the feeling of the back of his hand touching her breast when he removed the pin.

"I forgot to mention that the visitors are for you and they have already arrived."

She blinked twice at that. Visitors for her?

"It looks like George Valle and his army have been looking for you. It would be a drag to start a war with your previous employer so I figure that it would be better to talk, don't you think so too?"

That made her even more surprised, as if another bomb had exploded in front of her. Of course, it is a no-brainer that George would not just sit down and pretend that nothing happened, but she didn't foresee that he would come to Giancarlo's place. Among them all, George is the first person who knows how dangerous it is to come across someone like the mafia unless you have an official business relationship with them.

"You did not do anything to hurt them, did you?"

"What do you take me for? There are only three of them. I believe the other one is Valentin Sidorov and a woman who is quite close to you and somehow to me because she knows a lot about the mafia, Gillian Lee."

Those are the three people who matter to Yuri, next to her mother. Not wanting to start a war of words with Giancarlo, she turned on his back and went to the door. She was so occupied with her own thoughts that she did not catch sight of the other men who were looking at her with a surprised expression on their faces, seeing that she was wearing clothes identical to theirs.

The place is too big but she was able to find her way to the living room where George, Valentin, and Gillian are seated on the leather sofa. It was Gillian who saw her first.

"Yuri!" she yelled and quickly ran to her, pulling her in for a hug.

It was evident that Gillian had been worrying about her. She is crying and even shaking as her face is buried on her chest.

Yuri sighed at that. It was never her intention to make them worry but it's not as if she has another choice.

"È bello conoscerti finalmente, George Valle." (It's nice to finally meet you)

It was Giancarlo Costa, who was already standing behind her with two of his men, and Favio, who gave her a smile when their gazes met. The mafia boss is holding the purse she used for the job at the bar, then throwing it at George, who caught it.

"Temo di non poter dire lo stesso, signor Costa." (I'm afraid I can't say the same.)

Gillian finally stopped crying and shifted her eyes between George and Giancarlo who were conversing in Italian.

Yuri sighed harshly as she massaged her temples.

"Why are we even here when neither of you wants to speak English?"

The two men stopped talking and George looked at her apologetically. He knows that she could not understand Italian except for some words that she learned out of curiosity and those she used to threaten Giancarlo's life.

The mafia boss pulled her in and even curled his arm around her waist so he had to let go of Gillian's hand.

"As I was saying on the phone, Mr. Valle, I have no intention to hand over Yuriko Rivera to you. It appears that your men who were nosing around my affairs did not let you know that I frequently harbor resentment toward those who have attempted to end my life."

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