『 Chapter 67 』

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"Did you know that I couldn't speak English really well the first time we came here? Not because I was stupid, but coming to a country where the mother tongue is completely different from mine was a challenge. I did not have friends because I am shy to speak."

Giancarlo smiled sadly at that. Imagining a little version of Yuri who is quiet and reserved, struggling to communicate with others.

"Papa got worried, so he said that we should practice English together every day. We would read books, watch movies, and have conversations in English even inside our house. He even told me to start calling him dad instead of papa. It was difficult at first, but little by little, I started gaining confidence."

Yuri leaned on his chest, and he automatically put his arms around her. He even removed his coat and draped it over her shoulders because the wind was starting to pick up.

"If there is any man whom I know will never let me down, it's him. My father wasn't rich, but he always made sure we had everything we needed."

Giancarlo kissed her hair and hugged her tighter. "It's quite disappointing that I never met him, but I know that he is a really good man, and our baby would be so lucky to have him as a grandfather. I hope I can be half the parent he was to you," Giancarlo said, with a mixture of sincerity and determination in his voice.

He could already imagine what it would be like if he had the chance to meet Juan Carlos Rivera personally. Maybe the man would not accept him at first given that he is a mafia boss, but once he has already gained his trust and proved himself that he deserves Yuri, the man will recognize his dedication. Maybe he would even teach him how to become a good father, especially that he doesn't have one to learn from.

Yuri smiled and looked up at Giancarlo, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I have no doubt that you will be an amazing father," she said softly. "Our baby is already so lucky to have you as their father. I also feel lucky that I have you by my side."

Hearing Yuri say that, a thought suddenly occurred to Giancarlo. A thought that has been boggling his mind for a while now, but he couldn't find the right time to bring it up.

"Why do you look like that? Did I say something wrong?" Yuri asked worriedly, seeing the sudden change in his face.

He took a deep breath and decided that now was as good a time as any. "Yuri," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "I know that our relationship is only based on mutual respect and trust, but still, I can't help but wonder if you will accept it if I am going to ask you to marry me."

The words almost tumbled out of his mouth, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been carrying this question in his mind for so long, and now that he finally found the courage to ask, he couldn't help but be scared that Yuri would reject his proposal.

He anxiously awaited Yuri's response, who was just looking at him silently. The silence seemed to stretch on forever, making him even more nervous.

"I thought we had been acting like a married couple for a while now," Yuri said, a small smile playing on his lips.

"But if you want to make it official, then yes, I will marry you."

Giancarlo's chest feels like it's about to burst with joy and relief. He pulled her in and buried his face in her hair, breathing in her sweet scent as he showered kisses on her face and neck.

"Oh, and it seems like I haven't told you this, but ti amo." (I love you)    

Giancarlo's jaw dropped in surprise, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Do you mind repeating that? I want to make sure I heard you correctly."

Yuri laughed and playfully pressed her lips on him before staring deeply into his eyes. "Ti amo, Giancarlo. Sei l'amore della mia vita. Significhi tutto per me." (I love you, Giancarlo. You are the love of my life. You mean everything to me)

Giancarlo felt his heart swell with love and happiness. He couldn't believe his luck to have found someone who felt the same way about him. He pulled her into a tight embrace, whispering, "Ti amo anche, Yuri. Sei tutto ci che desidero. Sei il mio angelo." (I love you too, Yuri. You are all I desire. You are my angel)

"Uhm, alright, I do not know what you just said. I only practiced the lines I wanted to tell you," Yuri said, laughing, her voice in a panic.

Giancarlo chuckled and reassured her, "I love you too, Yuri. You are everything I desire. You're my angel. I love you in every language and in every way possible."

Yuri wanted her mother to be the first to know about her decision to accept Giancarlo's marriage proposal, so after paying their final respects to her father, they went to her mother to let her know of the exciting news.

"Now that you have decided about that, when are you planning to tell your family, Giancarlo? They do not even know that Yuri is pregnant, and I am afraid that keeping that secret from them could cause unnecessary tensions. If something bad is to happen, know that I am not going to stand by and watch it unfold silently."

There was an unmistakable edge to Agatha's voice that Giancarlo couldn't ignore.

"I am already planning to bring Yuri to Sicily, but we have to make sure first that she is fit to travel in her condition. I was told by her doctor that the first trimester is crucial for her and the baby's health, so we need to be cautious. Once we have the green light, I will make all the necessary arrangements to ensure a safe journey for both of them. Anyway, we need to have the ceremony there," Giancarlo reassured Agatha.

If he only knew that Yuri would be pregnant, they could've traveled to Sicily already; however, the well-being of his wife and child is more important to him than the validation of his family, which does not matter to him. If not for his duty as a Costa, he wouldn't introduce Yuri to his family at all.

Agatha smiled at that, which he was thankful for because he knew that her support and understanding would mean a lot to Yuri.

"How are you feeling these days, Yuri? You know, I already had a hunch before that you were pregnant when you did not like the scent of garlic. I used to be like that too when I was pregnant with you."

Yuri smiled at that. "Well, the chef in the villa makes sure that there's always a garlic-free option for me, and my husband here has been attentive to my needs as well. Did I tell you over the phone already that he even had an elevator installed in the villa?"

Giancarlo sighed at that. "The stairs could be dangerous for you, and I will not risk anything happening to you or the baby. Once you have already given birth, I would have it removed if you are not really comfortable having it in the house."

Yuri just laughed at that. "I was just teasing you. I like it when you spoil me like a brat."

Giancarlo exhaled and pulled her in for an embrace. "It's not like I am running out of money anytime soon, so leave the poor elevator alone. Anyway, the people in the villa could also use it for convenience, so think of it as double the benefit."

Agatha watched the two of them with a mixture of affection and anxiety. Sure, she has already accepted Giancarlo for her daughter given that she has witnessed how the mafia boss is willing to go to great lengths to protect Yuri; however, she couldn't help but worry about the potential dangers that come with Giancarlo's lifestyle. She wanted to trust him, but knowing what kind of family the Costas are, she couldn't guarantee that Yuri would always be safe.

She knows that she will always be there to protect her, but as much as possible, she would prefer that Yuri be kept away from any potential harm, especially in her situation now that she also needs to protect the life inside her.

"Well, since you have asked your father's blessing for your marriage, then who am I to stand in your way?" she said, smiling warmly, taking a mental note to not hesitate to step in if she ever felt that Yuri's safety was at risk, even though it meant breaking some promises, she made in the past.

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