『 Chapter 13 』

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"Then one day I guess my father dearly missed my mother already so he said that he would find a job in a place where the three of us can live in peace and mom does not need to leave anymore. I watched him work on his resume even though he had a hard time using a computer and obtained all the requirements needed for the job application he found. He even borrowed money from his friends and did some part time jobs to make sure that he will still be able to take care of me while doing all of those things. I was the happiest when we moved here when my dad petitioned us to join him after a few years of working here already. My father has always dreamed of staying in a progressive country because he believes that there are a lot of opportunities here compared to where we came from." Yuri's voice suddenly broke

Giancarlo narrowed his eyes at that, and before he could stop himself, he pulled Yuri close to him, and there he saw that there were tears welling around her eyes. He silently cursed himself for seeing her like that. He momentarily forgot that Yuri loves her family and that she was even willing to die for them, so it is a sensitive subject for her. 

She may be a strong woman, but she is still undeniably weak when it comes to her loved ones. 

"We are not from a well-off family and we still have a long way to go but I know for certain that my father would never deal drugs let alone steal your goods."

He breathed harshly as he wrapped her body with his arms. He closed his eyes tightly as he could feel the rage slowly building up from within. He swore to himself that once he finds out the real story behind the death of Yuri's father, he would kill everyone involved and he would tear apart the limbs of the person who purposely framed him for a crime he did not commit.

"Ssshhh. We'll figure this out together, alright?" he cajoled her as he kissed the top of her head, wishing that it would put her tears to a stop.

After almost an hour they stopped in front of an apartment complex.

The first thing that Giancarlo noticed is how the neighborhood is dangerous because of the gangsters nearby. Some of them were even playing with a butterfly knife as they walked, when they stepped out of the Range Rover. The bastards were perhaps thinking that they are just some bloody rich lads who got lost on their way. 

But it seems like he was recognized by the crowd because upon seeing a full view of his face, they all retreated back from where they came from. Some even bowed their heads but he only looked at them in contempt.

It could be a war if he brought more men with him.

"I'll find my way. Just give me a few minutes," he told Yuri who was confused by his order but then she nodded and went to the door to enter the building.

"Giancarlo" it was one of his men, Pietro, whom he assigned to guard Yuri's mother. "Non mi aspettavo che tu venissi qui." (I didn't expect you to come here.)

"Quante persone abbiamo qui?" (How many people do we have here?)

"Quasi la metà del quartiere." (Almost half of the neighborhood.)

"Digli che brucerò questo posto se mettono una mano su Agatha Rivera." (Tell them I'll burn this place down if they lay a hand on Agatha Rivera.)

Giancarlo then walked towards the entrance where Yuri entered leaving a confused Pietro behind. He has been serving the same master for a while now so he could tell that Giancarlo is like a ticking bomb that would explode anytime. He wonders what's happening as to what could be the reason the boss is on the edge. 

The Rivera residence is on the third floor and it is the last door on the left side. With the huge amount of money that Yuri got from her last job, he is hoping that it will occur to her to move her mother to a better community. The apartment complex looked like it would collapse in the slightest earthquake given that the walls are worn out and he could even see some cracks.

It's not even fit for human habitation anymore.

"You did prepare a lot. When did you have the time to cook all of this?" Giancarlo heard Yuri say as he stood in front of the open door.

Agatha was about to respond when their gazes met. Yuri then looked at him then urged him to enter.

"Mom, this is Giancarlo Costa."

Giancarlo extended his hand, and Agatha accepted in spite of the fact that her face was brimming with skepticism as she looked at her daughter. He wanted to kiss the back of the woman's hand, but he thought that it would make her uncomfortable, so he brought it instead to his forehead.

According to Favio, that's how Filipinos show respect to their elders.

"We are here to talk to you about something important but I am really starving so shall we eat?"

"You should've told me who will be your visitor. I am not sure whether he eats the foods I prepare. Leave it to me. I will order some pizza –"

"Mrs. Rivera, please do not mind it. I will eat whatever it is that you have prepared," Giancarlo chimed in when Agatha was about to reach for her wallet and seemed about to go out.

"Well, suit yourself but do not force it if you do not like it. And please call me, Agatha."

"My mom's cooking is really good though," Yuri whispered to him as they walked towards the dining room where there were several dishes that Giancarlo couldn't recognize at all except for the rice. When Yuri offered him a plate and utensils, he reluctantly accepted it.

"Do Italians eat rice?" Agatha asked and the question was directed to him.

He smiled at that. "There are some regions in Italy that do not, but I was born and raised in Sicily, where we all have a mutual love for Risotto."

Agatha is evidently impressed and relieved at the same time. She then held out her hand to a pot with dark liquid inside that was still smoking. The scent is kind of strong but not necessarily unpleasant.

"In Philippines, we call this Adobo. The one I made is a pork stew where I combine vinegar, salt, soy sauce, and some other spices. This used to be Yuri's favorite so even though we have moved here, I still cook it for her. Works out for me since I do not have to spend a lot and it does not spoil easily, we can still eat it after a few days," Agatha said and even laughed in the end.

Giancarlo smiled at how the woman was treating him fondly, despite the fact that she perhaps knew that he was being pointed out as the mastermind who killed her husband. He considered the fact that it could be a trap and the food may even be poisoned, but seeing how Yuri has already started eating, that's not the case.

But then, it would still be better to put his guard up.

"I wonder what it is that you want to talk to me about, Yuriko. Are you pregnant? Are you getting married?"

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