『 Chapter 14 』

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Her mother's question was too much of a surprise to her that she almost threw up the food that was already in her mouth.

"Mom!" her face was beet red from the humiliation and at the same time, she was choking on some cubes of pork that were stuck on her throat. Giancarlo even had to offer her a glass of water and rub her back because she is coughing continuously.

Agatha seems unfazed by her reaction. She then crossed her arms and looked at her intensely. "Isn't this the man who was being pointed as the one who ordered the hit on your father? The fact that he is still here and breathing must mean that you got captured by that charming face instead."

Yuri made a gritting sound then slammed the table with her hands. "Mom, you should not draw ridiculous conclusions like that! Do you think I won't murder someone just because they look attractive?"

Before her mother could respond, Giancarlo took her hand in his and asked for permission to speak instead. The motion made her feel embarrassed because it appeared as if they were a couple about to announce big news, but she decided that letting the mafia boss speak would be better.

"First, I am sorry about what happened to your husband. It must have been rough having to deal with that, especially that I could see how your daughter loves her father," Giancarlo started in a serene tone.

"Second, I apologize for being identified as the mastermind behind Mr. Rivera's death. I understand that someone like me does not have a good reputation because, after all, I am a mafia boss, but I have never met your husband, nor have any of my men. I even had my people confirm it, so I am confident that whoever claims it was my fault was simply attempting to blame me."

There's just silence and the sound that could be only heard is the one coming from the electric fan. It felt like a few hours already when Agatha sighed then clasped her hands together.

"I actually know about that already. When they told me that my husband got entangled with the mafia because of drugs, I knew right then that it was not true, although I still have my doubts. After all, it happened during the time we needed money because I got sick. But since you have confirmed it yourself, Mr. Costa, I want to thank you for confirming that, and if my daughter tried to do something to harm you, please forgive her. It was just unfair for her father to be taken from us like that when he was nothing but a good man who tried his best to fend for his family."

Giancarlo assumed that Agatha would be crying next but it seems like the old lady has no tears left to cry anymore or is acting strong in front of her daughter. That damn expression is familiar to him all too well.

She just managed to give him a sad smile which gave a constricting sensation in his chest.

"That is the reason why we are here too, Agatha. I intended to ask Yuri to bring me with her because I think it would be best to talk to you and inform you of what she is planning next."

Agatha narrowed her eyes and switched her gazes between the two of them. "What do you mean by that? I am listening."

"Yuri told me how uncomfortable you are with her working as a mercenary for St. George Army so I found a way to rectify the situation. We had a deal that she is going to work for me while we also find out what really happened to your husband that night when he didn't come home."

For a few moments, Agatha did not speak until she let out a heavy sigh. "You are a mafia boss, Mr. Costa. I may not know everything there is about you but I have been hearing a lot of things. With you or George, what is the difference? Yuri would still be doing dangerous work."

"I do understand what you are trying to say, Agatha. But on top of being in the mafia, I also have other businesses, unlike George. Very legitimate businesses where I could put her. I could not guarantee you that she would be a hundred percent safe, although I must let you know that I take care of my people. If any harm is to befall your daughter, I would not think twice about retaliating."

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