『 Chapter 62 』

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Yuri couldn't help the smile that tugged on the corner of her lips. After a few minutes, Giancarlo put the plate down in front of her, and just by how it looked and the aroma, she knew that he did a better job than her.

"Eat slowly," he said, taking a seat across from her. Yuri nodded and began cutting the tender meat in pieces. The flavors danced on her tongue, and she couldn't resist complimenting him on his cooking prowess.

"It was Favio who taught me to cook, but aside from frying and grilling, I do not know much else, so do not set high expectations," Giancarlo said, laughing, and she just smiled back.

She thought that he might resume his meeting after she finished her meal, but Giancarlo returned to their room with her.

"I'm just going to wash real quick," she said, walking to the comfort room to wash her face and brush her teeth. She was about to finish when the door opened and a naked Giancarlo stepped in, surprising her.

"I'll take a quick shower too, so do not sleep on me," he said, chuckling. She blushed and quickly finished up, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about what the rest of the night might hold.

She changed into a lacey nightgown and let herself fall onto the soft bed as she listened to the sound of water running in the bathroom. After a few minutes, Giancarlo emerged from it with only a towel wrapped around his waist, his wet hair glistening under the dim light.

She couldn't help but admire his toned physique, feeling a surge of desire coursing through her veins. As he approached the bed, she could sense the electric tension between them.

Giancarlo sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze locked with hers. Without saying a word, he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, igniting a passionate fire within her.

His lips crawled down her neck, his soft tongue licking and teasing her sensitive skin. She let out a soft moan when she felt Giancarlo suck on it lightly, leaving red marks in his wake.

He then grabbed her ankles and spread her legs apart, positioning himself between them.

"I may end up hurting you because I am very aroused. Do not hesitate to slap me if it becomes too much."

Yuri only groaned at that as she arched her back, craving his touch. Giancarlo put his head between her legs, licking her plump, soft folds and teasing her clitoral area with his tongue, causing her to gasp and grip the sheets tightly. He continued to explore her with his tongue, alternating between gentle flicks and firm strokes, driving her wild with desire.

He slipped a finger into her dripping core, feeling her walls clench around him. The combination of his tongue and finger sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body, intensifying her arousal. She moaned uncontrollably as she grinded her hips against his mouth, seeking more friction and pleasure.

"Giancarlo, ugh, I couldn't take it anymore," she gasped, her voice filled with desperation as she could feel herself on the edge of an explosive climax.

"I can help you with that, Signorina. I'll suck it up with my mouth without leaving a drop. Don't hold back. You can come for me."

With each movement, her desire grew stronger, and her body ached for release as he skillfully continued to pleasure her.

While his thumb kept teasing her clitoral area, which was now drenched in saliva and love juices, Giancarlo removed the towel from his waist and pulled out his extremely thick and long, throbbing member.

The mere sight of it made Yuri's lower stomach tighten as if he were already inside her.

"I want to suck you off," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and lust. Giancarlo smiled, his eyes filled with desire and admiration for Yuri's boldness.

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