『 Chapter 28 』

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"La villa è di tuo gradimento, Don Pio?" (Do you like the villa, Don Pio?) the mafia boss asked as he walked in Yuri's direction, giving her the bouquet.

"The villa is beautiful, and I also enjoy Ms. Yuri's company," Father Antinori answered satisfyingly.

She swallowed hard, as she did not know what to do. She had just vehemently denied any romantic involvement with him to Father Antinori, yet here he was, presenting her with a bouquet of flowers.

"Those are really beautiful flowers, Signorina, and it would be a shame if you were not going to accept them," Father Antinori said with an urging tone, seeing how she's just looking blankly at the flowers while Giancarlo is staring at him emotionlessly.

The attention she is getting has started to make her uncomfortable, so she decided to accept the flowers and put them on her lap. Questions are swirling in her mind as the gesture takes her by surprise. What is even the reason why Giancarlo gave him those? And what happened to Elijah Smith that he is just coming back now?

Her tongue is itching to ask those questions, but she figures that murder is not something to talk about at the table, especially if there is a priest sharing a meal with you, so she just decided to focus on her food.

"I was told that the church downtown is requesting your presence, Don Pio. I can have some of my men accompany you should you wish to pay them a visit," Giancarlo said, and she was a bit surprised that he was speaking in English. Perhaps he did notice that Father Antinori wanted her to understand the conversation; he even answered Giancarlo's question last time in English.

It may not be much, but she is thankful for the consideration.

"If you do not need me for anything later or tonight, then I would love it. But I would prefer to go there alone if that is fine with you."

"If that's what you want, who am I to say no? But, for my own peace of mind, I'd have some of my men follow you in case you run into any trouble. I'm hoping you'll give me that much leeway."

Father Antinori smiled. "I am grateful for your benevolence, Mr. Costa. I shall be on my way after this."

Giancarlo then threw a glance in her direction. "We have something to discuss after this."

She just nodded at that and continued to eat her croissants and listen to the two Sicilian men talking.

Once they were done, Father Antinori looked at her warmly. "I have to go now, Ms. Yuri. If ever we won't be seeing each other again here, please know that I will include you in my prayers. If there is also a chance in the future, come visit me in Sicily. I am sure you are going to like it there."

She looked at Giancarlo, who raised a brow at that. "Well, given that I am still alive in the future, I will make sure to pay you a visit, Father, so yes, please do pray for me; I would appreciate it that much."

Father Antinori laughed at that, but she saw worry cross his eyes that she felt a little guilty about a joke that she half meant.

"It seems like you have already made a new friend," Giancarlo started when there's just the two of them left.

"I have always been so polite to priests, and he is a good man from what I could tell."

"He is. You have no idea what he had to endure back then when it was publicized that he accepted mafia members in the church. He was even called at The Vatican but he remained steadfast and compassionate of us."

She smiled at that, remembering the conversation they had last time.

"What happened, and why are you just coming back now? My memory seems hazy, but you have been gone since last night."

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