『 Chapter 55 』

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Although they decided not to stay too close with each other the entire trip, Yuri and Gillian made a deal that they would meet in the evening for dinner, but it had been an hour since the agreed time, and Yuri was nowhere to be found. She was never late, and this was highly unusual for her. Gillian began to worry, wondering if something had happened to Yuri or if she had simply forgotten about their dinner plans, but knowing her friend, she wouldn't want her to worry about her.

Gillian had already put on a disguise that not even Yuri could recognize, just in case things had gone awry. She knew that she had promised her that she was going to prioritize herself even if it meant leaving her behind, but she couldn't afford to do so. How could she leave her behind when she is more of a sister to her than a friend?

Her heart ached at the thought of abandoning Yuri, especially in such a dangerous situation, but she didn't know exactly how to help her. They are in the middle of the ocean and there is no signal for any form of communication.

The cruise ship is too big and crowded for her to search, and if Yuri is already in the hands of Luigi Torricelli, she couldn't risk having the two of them fall into his clutches as well.

She needed to come up with a plan, and fast. The fear of losing Yuri was unbearable, but she had to stay strong and find a way to save her, even if it meant breaking her promise to her.


When she snapped her eyes open, a groan instantly escaped her lips. The room was bright, and she could feel the weight of a headache pounding in her temples, so she had to close her eyes again.

Yuri tried to sit up, but her limbs seemed to be bound to the bed, as if held down by restraints. When memories of what happened to her slowly started to resurface, panic surged through her veins.

Despite the headache, she bravely opened her eyes and scanned the room. She found Luigi Torricelli seated in a chair just a few meters away from her. When she looked at her body, she saw that both her hands and feet were tied to the bed with thick ropes, and she was also completely naked.

She tried to move her limbs, but the restraints held her firmly in place, and the more she moved, the tighter the ropes seemed to become.

"The angel is already awake. It had been a few hours, so I guess the drug we used on you is effective. Anyway, that's Giancarlo's, so I did not expect that it would knock you out completely."

Yuri could only growl in frustration as she strained against the ropes. The mere fact that the bastard even used Giancarlo's goods on her is a blatant insult to her, although it concerns her more that Torricelli was able to figure her out right away.

Luigi was smoking a cigarette while observing Yuri's futile attempts to free herself. He chuckled, clearly amused by her predicament.

"I thought that once you were already awake, you would ask right away how I was able to discover your true identity," Luigi taunted, taking a long drag from his cigarette. "But it seems you're too busy struggling to even think straight," he blew out a cloud of smoke, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Yuri sneered at that. "I am not expecting too much from someone who only preys on defenseless women. If you ask me, that is honestly pathetic."

Luigi's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Ah, but you see, my dear Yuri, it is precisely those defenseless women who make for the most entertaining prey," he retorted with a twisted grin. "I like how their vulnerability adds an extra thrill to the chase."

Yuri balled her fists, her face contorting with anger. "You sick bastard," she spat, her voice filled with disgust, but it's as if Luigi is already used to receiving such reactions. He shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing Yuri's words as if they held no weight.

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