Chapter 1 - Time Machine

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"Your character discovers a mysterious box in their attic that contains a letter and a strange device that has the power to manipulate time. What do they do with it?"

After moving to his own house, Keith was overjoyed to finally be free from his parents and now live as a grown man, almost. He couldn't wait to share the good news with his girlfriend.

While he was sorting boxes throughout the room, a trapdoor in the guest room caught his eye. He took a ladder from the garage, climbed up, and reached to pull down the latch on the ceiling. He pulled himself onto the wooden surface and looked around the spacious room in shock. It was like the secret attic of the house, though not as secretive, as the trapdoor wasn't easy to miss. There were cobwebs tangled all around the wooden piers and there was no source of light except from the guest room Keith had come from. He was half afraid a stampede of bats would fly at him. There was only one object in the entire room - a heptagonal wooden box with red dragons painted around the sides.

Curious, Keith crawled further into the room, trying to spread his weight in fear the floor underneath him would collapse. He picked up the mysteriously box and opened it. Inside there was a dusty piece of paper with a myriad of different stains and a small metal box with a power button lightly carved into it. Keith could tell that if switched on, it would glow green. Currently it was a dull gray. The letter was not handwritten, rather it was a piece of paper with the text printed straight from the computer. Keith thought of the writer as lazy, but realized he'd have done the same. If he ever found himself writing a letter to...god knows who. The letter said:

"If you're reading this, then welcome to my house! Well, this used to be my house until we moved away. But I decided to leave someone for the new owners, so this is yours now! So you're not gonna believe me, but if you press this button, you get taken back in time! I'm serious! Try it yourself!"

Keith was skeptical, but thought there was no harm in trying and swiftly pressed the power button, bracing himself for what was about to happen. He had been back in time before - how could this be any different? He felt incredibly tired as the world spun around him. He could just make out the faint green glow of the metal box before everything faded to black.

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