Chapter 17 - Rebellion

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"Picon's argument against the school lunch."

This is from before Picon and Benjamin ran away together - they're friends but not dating.

And why does this chapter always make me laugh 😂.


Another lunch at Maginage High, another plate of stale, cold pizza. That didn't seem so bad, but when that's all you'd been eating for the entire year, you started to get sick of it. Any other option would just make you lose your lunch instead.

"How the hell can you eat this?" Picon griped. 

"I don't know, I haven't gotten the hang of taste buds yet..." Senpai shrugged, chewing a piece of his "hotdog".

Picon usually hung alone, but today the only table left was with these two losers, IRL anime boy and a honeybutterfly breed who was the most friendly person in the entire school, the type of person Picon ususally tried to avoid. He knew his soft heart was his weakness, and didn't want it to be exploited. Only Softie could do that.

"Ah, I can't do this anymore," Picon growled, throwing his entire paper lunch cup into the trash. It probably only cost the school a dollar anyway, that's how cheap it was.

"You're wasting food!" Senpai whined. Now he was confused. Didn't humans have to eat to survive? Why would they throw away their source of survival? He himself used to throw a tantrum back in the digital world whenever anyone got too close to the electrical plug or even to the TV screen unless it was Ruby.

"This is absolute trash!" Picon nearly shouted, gaining a couple of stares from around the cafeteria. Senpai tried to hide behind Tac. Speaking of Tac, he was busy reading his book that he never ended up finishing. He was grateful to Senpai for returning it to him. He was so immersed in the tale that he wasn't paying attention to the current conversation.

"Ay honeybutterfly, don't you think we need to do something?"

This caught Tac's attention. He put down his book and looked up at Picon with questioning eyes.

"We need to rebel! We need to fight against this unjustice!" Picon announced proudly, standing up on his seat before a teacher ushered him to sit down.

"Oh yeah? Then what should we do?" asked Tac, interested in this queer student's plan.

Picon looked deep in thought. "Uh...I haven't come up with that yet."

Senpai rolled his eyes. Over the few weeks he had been in the real world, he had learnt the special skill of sarcasm. He held a B- in Math and a C+ in English though. Again, Ruby had spent all her points on charm rather than intelligence. Senpai wished she hadn't done that now.

"Come on guys, are you serious about helping me?"

There was a certain determined glint in Picon's eyes that Senpai had to respect. After another bite of his hotdog, he gave in. "...Fine, me and Tac'll help you."

Tac, having returned to his book, looked up at the mention of his name again. "Huh? What are we doing?" he questioned.

"We're gonna change this school lunch," Picon said resolutely, a toothy grin on his face. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. "Meet me behind the school, after school, and we'll come up with a plan, anime boy," he smirked, walking away.

"A-anime boy?!"

Senpai was about to go tell him off, but Tac stopped him.

"Come on, don't you want to eat something different for lunch?"

"...I don't really care." It was true, Senpai, just having access to all the different kinds of human foods, wasn't picky.

Tac rolled his eyes and left his new friend alone. Then Senpai realized he had forgotten his way to class. "Hey? Tac? Tac! Wait! I'm lost again!"

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