Chapter 15 - Better than me

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"A young artist struggling to find their voice in a crowded city. They stumble upon an abandoned studio filled with the works of a mysterious painter who vanished decades ago. As they uncover the story behind the painter's disappearance, they discover their own artistic vision and a new path forward."

Yes, back to the main story! This time, instead of listening to the prompt, I thought "artist + MN"...and so of course I used soft mod for this. 

I'm just realizing, I put a Doja Cat song in the chapter title? ...Hell yeah.


Mia Nearest would never admit it, but she envied her husband. DN was a famous singer, loved by all, and they only knew Mia through their marriage. Deo could tell that Mia wasn't acting her usual self lately.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked one day worriedly.

Mia didn't want to admit her jealousy and seem like a jerk, but she also didn't want to lie to her husband. "I just...feel like I can't compare to you."

Deo cocked an eyebrow.

"Like, I feel like you're so much better than me, in every way, and..."

Before she could finish, Deo kissed her on the forehead. "You have an amazing voice, sweetie. Don't undermine yourself. And you're gaining popularity too." Mia was too stubborn to agree, but she knew that Deo was right.

"...I think I'll go work on my next song," she said, trying to avoid the subject. Deo understood her discomfort.

"Yeah, we better work to stay at the top!" he lightly joked, earning a small laugh from Mia.

Later, Mia was sitting alone in her recording studio, trying to think of an idea for her next song. She was starting to get frustrated at how she couldn't come up with anything when she got a text from her old childhood friend back in college, who was as famous of a singer as Deo. She and her husband had a lot more power though. They hadn't talked in a long time. The text read:

"Mia, I need your help."

Mia decided to take a break from song-writing and replied:

"What is it?"

Mia figured her friend was probably exaggerating, as she often did.

"My son's run away with that street rat! And after everything we gave him!

You remember Benjamin, don't you?"

Mia was confused. She did remember her friend introducing her son to her, the small, timid boy hiding behind his mother and waving a small hello. Why would he run away from such an extravagant background, to go live on the streets?


"That's what I'm asking! You need to come over, Mi"

Mia really had nothing else to do currently anyway, so she drove her car to her friend's house, struggling a bit to remember the address. But who could miss the huge mansion, bigger than her own, hidden behind a thick layer of greenery? Her friend was already waiting impatiently on the steps, her eyes lighting up when she recognized the new car pulling up.

"Mi-mi! It's been so long!" she squealed, pulling Mia into a tight hug. Mia inwardly groaned. She hated her friend's various nicknames for her.

"You too, Marilyn," Mia grumbled, as Marilyn was squeezing her too hard. She finally let go.

"So, our little Benjamin has decided to run away with his...boyfriend." Marilyn barely whispered the word, gagging in disgust. "That gay bastard," she almost said, but she didn't want to slip up in front of her close friend.

"Well, with all the connections you guys have, can't you simply search for him?"

"Our team has looked everywhere!" Marilyn sighed dramatically. "He's just disappeared from the face of the Earth!"

Suddenly, her phone started buzzing. She answered the call and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello? Oh, Grace! What's been going on? You parents still haven't gotten the record deal? Tell them to hurry the funk up then." Mia was a little surprised by her friend's slip in dialogue. "Oh, of course you'll get your happy ending, Grace. We'll be there right away." Marilyn cut the call.

"She's supposed to be Benjamin's girlfriend, but change of plans!" she grumbled, throwing up her hands. "Come on, they're all the train station. Let's go retrieve my son! Get in my car!" By car, she meant long, sleek, white limousine. It had a lot of room inside too. Mia could even see a small fishtank off to the side in the back. She sat shotgun while Marilyn drove, of course.

"I'll get you back, Benjamin, whatever it takes," the blue-haired woman seethed, but Mia heard her. She was starting to have seconds thoughts on leaving her studio.

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